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Q1. Zoologically human belongs to?
Kingdom - Animalae;   Sub kingdom - Metazoa;   Phylum - Chordata;   Sub Phylum - Vertebrae;   Class - Mausmalae;   Order - Primate;   Family - Hominidae;   Genus - Homo;   Species - Sapiens.
Q2. What are the ancient texts of Indian medicine?
1) Bhela Samhita: 800 BC - Codification of medicines mentioned in the Vedas.
2) Agnivesa Samhita: 700 BC - Codification of medicines by Agnivesa, disciple of Atreya, the founder of Ayur Veda.
3) Kashyapa Samhita: 600 BC - Deals with Paediatrics.
4) Chivara Vastu: 500 BC - Describes difficult surgical operations like opening of the brain, Eye Surgery etc.
5) Charaka Samhita: 100 AD - Deals with all branches of medicine. 120 chapters in 8 parts. Written by Charaka.
6) Susruta Samhita: 200-300 AD - A treatise on Ayur Veda.
7) Madhaya Charaya: 700-800 AD - A treatise on Ayur Veda.
8) Vaghata: 500-600 AD - A treatise on Ayur Veda.
9) Vrdukonta: 600-750 AD - Explains "Rasa Chikitsa" explaining the importance of Mercury in treatments.
Q3. Who is considered as the Indians God of medicine?
Danvantri - believed to be an avatar of Lord Vishnu.
Q4. Who are the ancient people considered as the great contributors to Indian system of medicine?
Dhanvantri, Sushruta, Charaka.
Q5. Who is considered as the Father of Indian surgery?
Q6. Who consolidated the Ayurveda texts of medicine?
Q7. What are the various system of medicine followed in India?
1) Allopathy: 2) Ayurveda: 3) Homeopathy: 4) Unani:
Q8. What are the main body systems?
(1) Skeletal (2) Muscular (3) Respiratory (4) Circulatory (5) Digestive (6) Nervous (7) Excretory (8) Reproductive systems.
Q9. How much of water is there in the Human Body?
45 litres - covering about 10% of body weight.
Q10. Who is considered as the Father of Homeopathic medicine?
Samuel Hahnemann of Germany.
Q11. Which is the hardest substance manufactured by the body?
Tooth Enamel.
Q12. What is Thermal capacity?
It is the quantum of heat required to raise the body temperature through 1 degree C.
Q13. What is the speed at which the signals travel through the nervous system?
225 Kmph approximately.
Q14. Which animal. a parasite, is used for certain medical conditions?
Leech - a blood sucking parasite.
Q15. Hair in which part of the body grows faster?
Beard on the chins.
Q16. Excepting the bones, which other part use most of the calcium?
Q17. During sneezing, air is let out at what speed?
Speed of a hurricane.
Q18. Morphine, the pain killing drug is derived from?
Poppy plant.
Q19. Who is a Chioroporodist?
One who treats ailment of the foot.
Q20. Who is a Hypochondriac?
A person who displays a needless anxiety over his health.
Q21. Watson and Crick are the names associated with?
DNA structure and tests.
Q22. What are Whorl, Arch and Loop?
Type of finger prints.
Q23. From what small pox vaccines are developed?
From Cow pox developed by Edward Jenner in 1796.
Q24. In which part of the body hydrochloric acid naturally occurs?
Q25. What was the first chemical compound to be used as a drug?
Quinine in use from 1638. Obtained from Chinchona bark.
Q26. Who became the youngest medical doctor?
Balamurali Ambaji of India at 17 years.
Q27. Which country has the biggest health care budget?
Q28. Which part of the body first gets affected by nuclear radiation?
Bone marrow.
Q29. What is the name for the temporary stiffening of the body after death?
Q30. Which part is known as "Power House" in the human body?
Q31. Which organ is "J" shaped, in the body?
Q32. Local anaesthetic source from nature is?
Q33. Which part of the body coordinates the various functions of the body?
Q34. What is the name for the compulsive tendancy to steal?
Q35. Which day is observed as "World Blood Donation" day?
June 14.
Q36. The nitrogenous waste produced in our body is?
Q37. When did Sabin invent the oral polio vaccine?
Q38. When was morphine first isolated from opium?
Q39. Which is the fastest growing part of the body?
Q40. What is Hexadectylism?
A person having six fingers or six toes on one or both hands/ feet.
Q41. Where in the body is the "Girdle of Venus"?
Q42. What is Bio-Mass Index (BMI) and how is it arrived?
It is the weight of a person in relation to the height. It can be arrived at, (i) By dividing the weight in kgs by weight in meters. If the factor is 23 it is normal, 23 to 27 is fat and above 27 is obese; (ii) Height in centimeters minus hundred and multiplied by .9 (point 9).
Q43. What is the most complex molecule among lipids, proteins and nucleic acids?
Q44. Color blind himself, he described first the color blindness and it is named after him. Who is he?
John Dalton.
Q45. What was the first contraceptive pill to be marketed?
Q46. How are the biochemical reactions in the body known as?
Metabolic reactions.
Q47. When and where the first frozen baby born? What was its name? Who were the doctors?
11.04.1984 - Queen Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. Name: Zoe; Drs. Linda Mohr and Alan Fronson.
Q48. When was the first AIDS case discovered in India?
Q49. Who invented the term "Biology"?
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck.
Q50. What is the "theory of spontaneous generation"?
Origin of life from non-life.
Q51. Who was the first scientist to have dissected a human body?
Q52. Twins developed from separately fertilized ova are?
Fraternal twins.
Q53. Hair and nail in the body are produced by?
Q54. Who is known as the father of immunology?
Emil Von Behring.
Q55. What is the average weight of Pancreas?
98 grams.
Q56. Which part of the body is described as "Swet bread"?
Q57. What test is conducted to determine the sex, before any sporting event?
Barrbody test.
Q58. Which part of the body remains undamaged even after centuries?
Q59. When the "World Health Day" is observed?
7th April.
Q60. What is the normal method of the body to control temperature?
Q61. Name the scientist who first developed the Cathode Ray Oscillograph?
Karl F. Braum.
Q62. What is the symbols used to denote male and female, and who used them first?
... for males, .... for female - Carolues Linnaeus of Sweden  used them first.
Q63. Who is considered as the father of plastic surgery?
Q64. Who is considered as the father of physiology?
Thates - Greek.
Q65. Who is the founding father of modern anatomy?
Andreas Vesalius  -- Netherlands.
Q66. Who is considered as the Father of brain surgery?
Harvey Cushing.
Q67. Who is considered as the Father of Microbiology?
Louis Pasteur.
Q68. Who propounded the theory of evolution?
Charles Darwin.
Q69. Who is believed to be the Father of Virology?
Q70. Who propounded the theory that hysteria represented undischarged emotional energy?
Sigmund Freud.
Q71. Who is known as the Father of Osteotherapy?
Andrew Taylor Still.
Q72. What is Monoclonal Antibodies?
Antibodies made outside by the body by hybrid cell culture.
Q73. Who first thought of producing antibodies by hybrid cell culture or hybridomas?
Caesar Milstein and George Kohler.
Q74. Who invented "Hover-bed" for severly burnt patients?
Q75. Who was the scientist first to record the electrical activity of the brain?
Hans Berger.
Q76. Who wrote the epoch making book on human anatomy "De Corporis Humani Fabrica" (On the structure of Human Anatomy)?
Andrews Vesalius.
Q77. Who wrote the book "De Motus Cordis" concerning the motion of the heart?
William Harvey.
Q78. Who wrote the book of "Origin of life"?
Aleksandr Ivanovich, Russian biochemist.
Q79. Which town in India has the highest incidence of Tuberculosis?
Burhanpur in Madhya Pradesh - as it has large number of powerlooms and Bidi making units.
Q80. What is the major cause of Illness?
Water pollution.
Q81. Which metal causes systematic poisoning?
Q82. What is the name of the "oath" taken by doctors?
Hippocratic oath.
Q83. Pain travels at a speed of?
350 ft per second.
Q84. Which was the first human organ to be transplanted successfully?
Q85. Which of the important nutrient not stored in the human body?
Q86. Where is the only known stock of "small pox" stored?
(1) The US Centre for Disease Control (CDC). (2) Vector Institute, Koltsovo, Siberia, Russia. Both are kept under strict vigil and guard.
Q87. What connection, James Phepps, Sarah Nelmes, Blossom and Edward Jenner with medical history?
Edward Jenner first tested his theory of vaccination by inoculating James Phepps a young boy, with material from the cow pox blisters of the hand of Sarah Nelmes a milkmaid who got the cow pox from the cow named "Blossom".
Q88. When was India declared "Small Pox" free?
Q89. Which day is observed as "AIDS Day" and what is the slogan?
31st December - "Stop AIDS - Keep the Promise".
Q90. Which part of the body is called the "Chemical Laboratory"?
Q91. What, when embedded in the skin may cause paralysis?
Ticks - a blood sucking arachmid (arthropod).
Q92. What is considered as an Universal antidote for poisoning?
Strong tea, Burnt toast and Magnesium oxide in 1:1:1 ratio is used, when the exact poison or combination of poison taken is not known.
Q93. Who coined the word "Vaccination"?
Edward Jenner.
Q94. Which organ is called the "blood bank" of the body?
Q95. What is the name of the acid formed during the transport of carbon-di-odixe?
Carbolic acid.
Q96. What is the name of the artery in the wrist, in which the doctors feel the pulse rate usually?
Radial Artery.
Q97. Who is known as "Father of Taxonomy"?
Q98. Who wrote the book "Origin of Species"?
Charles Darwin.
Q99. Who propsed the term "Species"?
John Ray in the 17th Century.
Q100. Who proposed the "Germplasm Theory"?
August Weismann.
Q101. Which era in geological time scale is called as "Age of Mammals"?
Cenzoic Era.
Q102. Who proposed the biogenetical law?
Q103. What is the stock of ancestors from which man, monkeys and Apes have evolved?
Anthropid Mammals.
Q104. Who proposed the theory of "Bio-Genesis"?
Louis Pasteur.
Q105. Name the worst common bacteria used for scientific research?
Escherichia Coli (E.coli).
Q106. Who observed bacteria first?
Leeuwen Hock in 1723.
Q107. Who proposed the "Cell Theory"?
Schleiders and Schwann.
Q108. Who is considered as the Father of Modern Biology?
Q109. What is the largest and the 2nd largest organ of the body?
Skin. Second largest is Liver.
Q110. Who discovered the Virus first?
Q111. Who is the youngest to donate eyes and kidneys?
Abhilasha - 16 months and two weeks old.
Q112. Peter Baulman of Australia broke a world record for having a certain object surgically removed from his body. What is it?
Kidney stone.
Q113. What is the formula for assessing the average weight of a person?
height in centimeters minus hundred and multiply by 0.9.
Q114. The term "Brachial" refers to?
Q115. According to WHO, What cause brought about unhealthy environment is the largest killer of around two million children under five years, every year?
Acute Respiratory Infections.
Q116. What is "Buccal Cavity"?
Q117. What is the Obstructive Sleep Apnea - OSA?
Q118. What is "Green Colour Therapy"?
Brisk walking by blood pressure and diabetic patients.
Q119. Carbohydrate loading is generally done by?
Endurance Athletes.
Q120. How many glasses of water, minimum a day is recommended for the body?
Minimum 8 glasses.
Q121. Who introduced chloroform as an anaesthetic in 1847?
Sir James Young Simpson.
Q122. What is Alopecia?
Q123. Where in the human body is the "Olecrasos" found?
Behind the elbow.
Q124. Which organ gets inflammed when one has nephritis?
Q125. The animal form of vitamin 'A' is called?
Q126. What is the common name for hypertasis, one of the signs of death?
Liver Mortis.
Q127. Why is sleeping on the side suggested as one way to treat "Snoring"?
It would prevent the tongue from blocking the throat.
Q128. What is ""Hallux" in the human body?
Big toe.
Q129. Within how much time, the umblical cord is disconnected after the child's birth?
60 seconds.
Q130. In which year India was declared free from small pox?
Q131. What record India holds with regard to oral rehydration salts?
First country to launch ORS as recommended by WHO and UNICEF. It reduces the death of children due to diarrohea.
Q132. Fallopian  Tube is named after whom?
Gabriele Fallopio - Italian - who discovered it.
Q133. Where is the brain bank opened in India?
Bengaluru - can store about 300 of them.
Q134. Substances that can cancer is known as?
Q135. What is HUGO?
Human Genome Organisation - Established in 1989. It has its legal HQ at Geneva and administrative HQ at London
Q136. What is "Sinciput"?
The upper part of the skull or head.
Q137. What is unique about Ali Mao Moalin of Somalia with reference to once a dreaded dicease?
He is the last case of small pox. 26.10.1977.
Q138. When did the first kidney transplantation take place?
Q139. What record Dioune sisters have in medical history?
The first quintuplets to survive infancy.
Q140. While small pox is the first, what is the second disease to be eradictated completely?
Guinea - worm.
Q141. The word skeleton is derived from?
Greek word "Skellein" meaning dry up.
Q142. What does "BCG" stand for which is administered for tuberculosis?
B - Baccillus (Bacteria) C - Calmette (Leon Charles Albert Calmette) G - Gueris (Jean Marie Camille Gueris)
Q143. "Euthanasia" is mercy killing. What does it actually mean?
A Greek word meaning "good health".
Q144. What are the countries that have legalised Euthanasia as of December 2009?
Albania (1995); Belgium (2002); Netherlands (2002); Switzerland ; Luxumbourg (2009).
Q145. Who was the first doctor to use anaesthesia for surgery?
Dr.Crawford Long, Georgia USA in March 1842.
Q146. Who is the tallest man in the world?
Bao Xishun - China - 2.36 mtrs / 7.74 ft tall.
Q147. Which Indian doctor holds the world record for the maximum number of eye operations in one hour?
Dr.M.C.Modi - 40 operations in one hour.
Q148. How can we temporarily postpone sneezing?
Yes, it can be by pinching oneself hard.
Q149. Does regular roller coasting have a higher chance of causing blood clot in the brain?
Q150. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", What is its relevance?
It has "pectin" which lowers cholestrol level.
Q151. Who was the doctor who pioneered anti-septic surgery?
Joseph Lister.
Q152. Who described protoplasm as the physical basis of life?
Q153. Who was the first patient to be infected with H1N1 Virus?
Edgar Hernandez of Mexico. Nicknamed "Patient Zero".
Q154. Who was "Arid" related to human evolution?
She is the oldest skeleton of a pre-human hominid ever found.
Q155. Who are responsible for describing the condition of genetic mutation leading to unusable form of the Lamin A protein known as Progeria?
Jonathan Hutchinson - in 1886. Hastings Gilford - in 1897.
Q156. What is cryonics in medical field?
Low temperature preservation of dead humans - in the hope that their resuscitation may be possible in the future.