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Q1. What are Revolutions?
Revolutions are a form of Revolt against and administrator or administration against its policies or for any other reason affecting the common man. It may be in the form of disobedience, mass gathering etc. crippling the various aspects of life and the government. Unless provoked with violence repressive acts by the government, revolutions are generally peaceful in the form of strikes, gathering, meeting etc.
Q2. What are the famous and talked about Revolutions in the world?
1. French Revolution-France-1789 - 93.
2. Mexican Revolution-Mexico-1910
3. Russian Revolution-Russia-1917 - 22
4. Chinese Revolution-China-1919
5. Hungarian Revolution-Hungary-1956
6. April Revolution-Korea-1960
7. Carnations Revolution -Portugal-1974
8. Islamic Revolution-Iran -1979
9. EDSA Revolution-Philippines-1986
10. Velvet Revolution-Czech-1989
11. Rose Revolution-Georgia-2003
12. Orange Revolution-Ukraine-2004
13. Tulip Revolution-Kyrgyzstan-2005
14. Cedar Revolution-Lebanon-2005
15. Purple Revolution-Iraq-2005
16. Blue Revolution-Kuwait-2005
Q3. What was French Revolution?
The main cause of the famous revolution has been the indifferent, arbitrary, irresponsible and tryanic attitude of King Louis XVII. He was weak, feeble and lacked experience in administration and just believed in the theory of "Divine Right of Kings". The Noble and the clergies enjoyed all the privileges and luxury of life. The commoner mainly the working class, peasants and others were worst affected. Philosophers like Montesquieu, Voltaire and Roseau, who besides criticizing and exposing the imputes, tyranic and arbitrary practices, educated, influenced the commoners by their writings. Through their writings came the coining of the word like "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" which influenced the revolution amongst the commoners. Besides their regular revolt, the commoners who formed half of the assembly strength, took the initiative in forming the assembly proceedings, the other commoners, engaged with the action of the king in posting foreign guards to the Bastille prison, attacked and captured it in July 1789, thus ensuring the fall of monarchy and the rule of King Louis XVII. In August 1789, the assembly led by the commoners passed resolutions for equality of tax, abolished the tittles and privileges of the nobles and other privileged class. The assembly also passed the philosophy of Roseau "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity". In the mean time, Austrian King to prevent the ideology of commoners of France spreading to his country, waged a war against France. The French Queen Antoinette was an Austrian. This made the people of France to believe that the war was an arrangement by the king himself. Thus, a radicals dominated National convention took control of the state affairs and the king and queen and declared France a Republic in 22.9.1792. The king and the queen were found guilty and were executed on 17.1.1793 and 16.10.1793 respectively. The national convention adapted a new constitution in 1795 with a tricameral legislature. The French Revolution and its philosophy awakened the people of other countries in similar conditions.
Q4. What was Mexican Revolution?
1910 It was a period of political, social, and military conflict and turmoil that began on Nov 20 1910 by Francisco I Maderio and lasted until 1921, killing around 9 lakh people. Dictator Poterio Diaz Mori was overthrown and Francisco Maderio became President (later deposed in a coup)
Q5. What was Russian Revolution 1917-1922?
1917 - 1922 This great revolution in Russia took place in two stages viz:
1) The first stage began in1917 and overthrew Czar Nicholas II.
2) The second stage began in the same year in October 1917 and established the world first communist state by the Bolsheviks under Lenin. The cause and events that occurred during the revolutions are:
(1) Czar Nicholas II (who succeeded his father Czar Alexander), was autocratic and ignored the common masses.
(2) The upper class of the people was enjoying everything while the working class was neglected and even deprived of basic rights.
(3) The workers were agitated over their exploration by the higher class of people.
(4) Leo Tolstoy and Turgenev, famous writers, infused liberal and revolutionary ideas into the workers and youth.
(5) The Czar was held responsible for the Russo-Japanese war.
(6) The ideology of Karl Marx had a great influence on the working class and the society as a whole. He advocated for a class less society. Thus came the formation of the Workmen's Social Democratic Party in 1895, which split into two group's viz. BOLSHEVIKS and MENSHEVIKS.
(7) The MENSHIVIKES consist of liberal and democrats and were under the weak leadership of Alexander Kerensky. The BOLSHVIKS were majority in number and came under the revolutionary leader LENIN, which actually and enmasse participated in the revolution. The actual revolution began on 7.3.31917 with workers striking works, farmers revolting in villages and the entire military personnel joined the revolt leading to complete lawlessness and riots. The Czar was dethroned and a temporary government under Kerensky (of the Menshevik) was formed but it was not well received, because of Kerensky's imbalanced midway attitude. Lenin took over the Bolshevik leadership, which was more strengthened with Stalin going as secretary. The revolt again took place during March 1917, the temporary government of Kerensky (Mensheviks) was thrown out and he fled the country. Bolsheviks, under Lenin's leadership took over the government and made sweeping changes to the earlier policies on the principles of Karl Marx. Czar Nicholas and his families were executed and the revolution ended with the setting up of new society on the basis of communist principles.
Q6. What was Chinese revolution?
1919 Also called the May 4th movement - an anti imperialist, cultural and political movement in modern China. The result was the effect of new cultural movement and the birth of Communist Party of China.
Q7. What was Hungarian Revolution?
1956 A nationwide revolt against the Russian backed communist government and its policies during October - November 1956. But the revolution was brutally crushed and suppressed with a loss of thousands of lives.
Q8. What was April Revolution?
1960 Korea: A popular uprising of labour and student groups, which overthrew the autocratic First Republic of South Korea headed by Syngman Rhee. Finally Rhee resigned paving way for the second Republic. The term "April Revolution" also refers to the Revolution in Nepal in 2006 against the Monarchy rule (though it was not autocratic or repressive) which lasted for 19 days. The king finally came down and paved way for a democratic government to be formed.
Q9. What was Carnation Revolution"?
1974 Portugal A bloodless, leftist military led revolution in Lisbon, Portugal, which replaced the authoritarian regime "ESTADO NAVO" (as how the regime was called) headed by Marcelo Caetano. This took place in April 1974.
Q10. What was "Islamic Revolution" of Iran?
1979 Iran Mohammed Raza Pahelvi (the last Shah of Iran) came to power in 1941. He tried to modernize and democratize the state, which was not well received by the religious leaders. The people backed by, religious leaders and belief, opposed and demanded that the government be based on Islamic principles, which turned into war like situation with in the country. Shah - Mohammed Raza Pahelvi unable to suppress the revolt, fled the country with his queen in 1979 and later died of cancer in Egypt. In February 1979 a revolutionary government under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini (till then he was in exile under the orders of the Shah for preaching religion) was formed to become Islamic Republic of Iran. Khomeini died in 1982.
Q11. What was EDSA Revolution?
EDSA Revolution: 1986: Also called as "People Lower Revolution" and "Philippines Revolution of 1986". A non-violent mass demonstration lasting for four days to bring down the regime of Ferdinand Marco and the installation of CORAZON AQINO as President EDSA stands for the "EPIFANIO DE LOS SANTOS AVENUE" a main highway in Metro Manila the main site of demonstration.
Q12. What was Velvet Revolution?
1989 CZECH: It was a peaceful non violent revolution in Czechoslovakia between November 16th to 29th December 1989 to overthrow the Marxist - Leninist government and to install a democratically elected government. On December 28, 1989 elections were held after 40 years, to install a anon communist government. Mr.Vadav Havel was elected as the President.
Q13. What was "Rose Revolution"?
2003 Georgia: The election conducted in 2003, when Eduard Shevardnadze was the president, was considered to be mass rigging. Thus the people revolted in a very peaceful manner and onsted E.Shevarnadze. When Eduard Shevardnadze began conducting the first session, Michael Shakshivaly, the opposition and revolt leader entered the assembly in protest with Roses in their hands. Thus it is called "Rose Revolution".
Q14. What was Orange Revolution?
2004 Ukraine It was a protest against the 2004 Presidential election of Ukraine, allegedly influenced by massive corruption, voter intimidation and direct electoral fraud by the government machinery favoring Victor Yanukovych. Based on the protest, the first election was annulled and second election was held and Victor Yanukovych was elected the winner. It was named so because the protesters carried Orange Ribbons.
Q15. What was "Tulip Revolution?
2005 Kyrgyzstan It refers to the over throw of President Askar Akayev whose ruling was considered to be corrupt and authoritarian. The revolution was from February end to mid March 2005. President Akayev fled the country and resigned the Presidentship at the country's embassy in Ukraine It was a peaceful revolution to oust Askar Akayev, by the people, carrying TULIP flowers in their hand. That is why it is called as Tulip Revolution.
Q16. What was Cedar Revolution?
2005 Lebanon A popular civic action and series of demonstrations against:
1) Assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri on 14.2.2005.
2) Withdrawal of Syrian troops about 14000
3) Ending of Syrian of influence in Lebanon politics Following the demonstration, Syrians troops were completely withdrawn, Pro Syrian government disbanded. This happened in the first quarter of 2005. Cedar is the national symbol of Lebanon and thus the uprising is called so.
Q17. What was "Blue Revolution"?
2005 Kuwait A term used by Kuwaitis to refer to demonstration in Kuwait in support of "Women's Suffrage" (voting rights). It was named after the colour of signs the protestors used. The demands were accepted and women are granted voting rights from 2007 elections.
Q18. What was "Purple revolution"?
A term that some have given to the end of Saddam Hussein's governance in Iraq and the coming of democracy to the nation. The purple stands for the ink stain marking of the index finger of the people in the elections of 2005. President George W. Bush, US also made a reference to this term "Purple Revolution of Iraq" in his summit meeting with President Vladimir Putin, at Bratislava, Slovak Republic on 24.2.2008.
Q19. When did French Revolution take place?
1789 - 1793.
Q20. Who was the king of France during the Revolution between 1789-1793?
Kind Louis XVII.
Q21. Who coined the word "Liberty Equality and Fraternity"?
ROSSEAU - French philosopher.
Q22. What is the name of prison captured by the revolts during the French Revolution, which ended the monarchy ruling?
Bastille Prison in July 1789.
Q23. When did Russian Revolution take place?
1917 - 1922
Q24. Who was the king of Russia at the time of the Revolution?
Czar Nicholas II.
Q25. What was the first political party formed in Russia during the Revolution?
Workmen's Socialist Democratic Party 1895.
Q26. Lenin belonged to which faction of the political party which had two factions?
Lenin belongs to the "Bolsheviks". The other group was "Mensheviks" headed by Alexander Kerensky.
Q27. April Revolution refers to which country?
South Korea - 1960 It can also be referred to April 2006 revolution in Nepal which ousted Monarchy.
Q28. Carnation revolution  refers to which country?
Portugal 1974.
Q29. Who was the last Shah (Emperor) of Iran who was ousted by Islamic Revolution in 1979?
Mohammed Raza Pehelvi.
Q30. EDSA Revolution took place in which country?
Philippines - 1986
Q31. When and where did "Velvet Revolution" took place?
Czechoslovakia - 1989
Q32. Where did the "Rose Revolution" take place and why it is called so?
2003 Georgia, because the revolters carried roses in their hands.
Q33. Where did the "Orange Revolution" take place and why is it called so?
Ukraine 2004 because the revolters carried orange ribbons in their hands.
Q34. Tulip Revolution was held in which country and why it is called so?
Kyrgyzstan 2005 protestors carried Tulip flowers in their hands.
Q35. Cedar Revolution refers to which country why it is called so?
Lebanon 2005 Cedar is the national symbol of Lebanon.
Q36. Blue Revolution refers to which country and why it is called so?
Kuwait 2005 for women voting rights, the signs used by the demonstrators were blue.
Q37. Purple Revolution the term refers to which country and why is it called so?
Iraq 2005 ousting of Saddam Hussein. It is called so for the ink stain marks on the index finger at the time of election.