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Q1. What is a Disease?
Any irregular functioning of the body organs making a person weak, immobile etc.
Q2. What are the various types of diseases?

ENDEMIC: Localized and confined only to particular areas like - Malaria in marshy areas.
EPIDEMIC: A disease simultaneously affecting a large section of people in an area and is spreading. Eg: Cholera, Malaria.
PANDEMIC: A disease spreading even to other countries and continents. Eg. Bird Flue in the recent years.
SPORADIC: A disease occuring intermittently or sporadically in area with apparently no clue of the cause of the diseases.
HEREDITARY: A disease inherited from parents. A disease having it's linkage to the genes of the parents like a child getting AIDS from AIDS affected mother. Diabetes is also a heretitary disease passing on to the children through parents.
INFECTIOUS: A disease spreading to another person by specific pathogenic reasons, by direct or indirect contact through air, water, food etc. Eg: Cholera, Tuberculosis etc.
CONTAGIOUS: A disease spreading to another by physical contact. Eg. AIDS.
Q3. What is deficiency disease?
A disease caused by dietary deficiency of any of the nutrients required by the body.
Q4. What are the deficiency diseases, their causes and symptoms?
Q5. What are the diseases spread by insects?
Malaria - Anopheles - the female mosquito.
Plague - Rat flea.
Relapsing fever - Lice
Sand fever - Sand fly
Kala Azar - Bed bug.
Dengue fever - Culex Mosquitoes.
Q6. What are the water borne diseases?
Cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery, Hook worm, Diarhoea.
Q7. What are the diseases caused by contamination?
Tuberculosis, Cholera, Typhoid, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Malta fever, etc.
Q8. What are the air-borne diseases?
Tuberculosis, Influenza, Small Pox.
Q9. What are the diseases caused by direct physical contact?
Small Pox, Venereal Diseases, AIDS.
Q10. What are the diseases caused by wounds in skin unsheild?
Anthrax and Tetanus by open wounds.
Q11. What are the agents through which diseases are spread?
Bacteria, virus, fungus, amoeba, parasite.
Q12. What is a bacteria?
Also called "Bacterium". It is the smallest known living organism. The features of bacteria are:
(1) Found anywhere.
(2) It is both useful and harmful.
(3) Grows on dead and living cells.
(4) Necessary for the process of decay of organic matter.
(5) Useful in making atmospheric nitrogen available for plants (Nitrogen fixation).
(6) Disease causing bacterias are called Parasitic or Pathogenic bacterias.
Q13. What are the physical features of bacteria?
They are single celled organisms, more complicated than viruses but simpler than plant or animal cells. There are three common types of them: (1) Spherical or oval called Coccus. (2) Rod shaped or cylinderical called Bacillus. (3) Spiral called Spirillum.
Q14. What are the "Bacterial" diseases?
Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Cholera, Food-poisoning, Diptheria, Gonorrhea, Memingitis, Leprosy, Tetanus, etc.
Q15. What are viruses?
1. Living or non living organism, capable of multiplying only by invading a cell of a bacteria, animal or plant, by using the most complicated chemical machinery of the host cell. 2. They do not exhibit all characterstics of living organisms. 3. Similar in composition and structure to a gene and appear in various shapes like rods, threads, spheroids etc.
Q16. Who discovered VIrus?
Dimitry Ivanovsky of Russia - in 1892.
Q17. What are the Viral diseases?
Influenza, Small Pox, AIDS, Polio, Typhus, Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, and Yellow fever, Dengue Fever, Poliomeritis, Phelebotomus.
Q18. What are fungus?
A low form of vegetable life without chlorophyll, including many microscopic organisms capable of producing some superfcial diseases. They live as saprophytes or as parasites on other plants and animals.
Q19. What are the diseases caused by fungus?
Infection of foot skin, Jaws, large intestines like Atheletes foot, ringworms, Dhobi's (washerman)itch.
Q20. What is the most famous and important medicine derived from fungus?
Penicillin - An antibiotic medicine is derived from a type of fungus. Penicillin cures Fungus diseases.
Q21. What is Amoeba?
A protozoan, one of the elementary unicellular forms of life, is a formless gelly like cell.
Q22. What are the diseases caused by Amoeba?
Entamoebia Histolytica - a parasitic pathogen causes amoebic dysentry also known Amaeobiasis. Diarrhoea is also caused by amoeba.
Q23. What is Parasite?
An organism which obtains food and shelter from another host organism. For instance germs of malaria and yellow fever are carried by mosquitoes, plague by fleas and typhoid by lice.
Q24. What is the expansion of AIDS?
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.
Q25. When and from where AIDS was first reported?
In 1981, from USA.
Q26. What is the name of the virus causing AIDS?
Q27. What is the effect of the HIV III virus in the body?
Disrupts the Immunity system completely.
Q28. What are the means of transmission of HIV Virus?
1) Sharing of needles for injecting drugs. 2) Transfusion of HIV infected blood. 3) Sexual relationship with HIV infected person.
Q29. What are the countries which are having large number of HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) infected people?
African countries.
Q30. What is the main cause of Malaria?
Mosquito bite by Anopheles the female mosquito. The mosquito bite injects Plasmodium a malaria parasite into the blood stream.
Q31. What is the name of the bacteria that causes tuberculosis and who invented it?
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis detected by Robert Koch in the mid 19th Century.
Q32. What is the general medicine prescribed for Tuberculosis?
Q33. What is the preventive medicine for tuberculosis, administered in the childhood?
Q34. Who invented BCG?
Calmette Guerin of France.
Q35. Which bacteria causes Cholera?
Cholera Vibrio / Vibrio Cholerae.
Q36. Which bacteria causes Tetanus?
Bacillus Tetanus and Clostridum Tetani.
Q37. What are the symptoms of tetanus?
Pain and contraction of muscles around neck and jaws followed by paralysis of thoracic muscles. Open wounds should be protected properly for prevention.
Q38. Diptheria affects which part of the body?
Q39. Which bacteria causes Diptheria?
Bacillus / Coryne bacterium.
Q40. What is the symptom of diptheria and what is the immediate treatment?
Inflammation of throat and formation of a grey membrane over the tongue. Injection of Diptheria Antitoxin immediately on the notice of symptoms.
Q41. Which bacteria causes typhoid?
Salmonelly Typhi.
Q42. Which bacteria causes plague?
Pasteurella Prestis spread by infected rats.
Q43. Which bacteria causes Typhus?
Ricketsia Prowazekii.
Q44. What causes Pneumonia?
Diplococus Pneumonia.
Q45. Which bacteria causes Gonnorhea, a sex related disease?
Neisseria Gonorrhea.
Q46. What causes Syphillis, a sex related disease?
Treponema Pallidum.
Q47. What causes whooping cough?
Nemophilus Pertusis.
Q48. What is the cause of Anaemia?
Reduction of deficient production of RBC.
Q49. What is the cause of Leukaemia, also called Blood cancer?
Over production of WBC.
Q50. What is Haemophilia?
A hereditary bleeding tendency. caused by failure of blood clotting mechanism.
Q51. What is Metastasising?
When cancer forms at a particular place in the body, it grows to a certain point and translocates to different regions. This process is called so.
Q52. What causes "Cervical Cancer"?
Caused by HPV - Human Passilomma Virus.
Q53. What is Gynaemastia?
Malfunction in men with extra growth of mamory gland.
Q54. What is "Hirusitism Disorder"?
Male Pattern hair growth in a female.
Q55. What is "Mesothelioma"?
An asbestos related cancer.
Q56. What is "Tower syndrome"?
A symptom of uncontrollable swearing.
Q57. What is the medical term for "Whooping Cough"?
Q58. According to WHO, which is the most common disease among children?
Q59. What is "Barothrauma"?
It is called collective term for the various pressure related hazards the Scuba divers are at risk.
Q60. What common infectious disease is caused by a parasite called "Plasmodium"?
Q61. What is "Hydrocephalus"?
Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles.
Q62. What is Allergy?
An unnatural reaction to a certain substances such as pollen or certain food items. There are very many causes. It causes rashes in the skin.
Q63. What is Arthritis?
Inflammation of joints (bone).
Q64. What is Asthma?
A respiratory disorder caused by narrowing of bronchial tubes, caused by infection.
Q65. What is Bronchitis?
Inflammation of bronchical tubes (air passage) caused by bacteria or virus.
Q66. What is cancer?
An abnormal growth of body cells, often resulting in malignant tumour.
Q67. What is Diabetes?
Malfunctioning of the pancreas resulting in inadequate insulin production. In simple terms, excess sugar in the body and blood sugar level is not maintained properly.
Q68. What is Epilepsy?
Unwarned and periodic loss of consciousness with convulsions. A nervous disorder.
Q69. What is Glandular fever (Mumps)?
An acute infection probably caused by a virus. Normally occurs with children with swelling of neck (below the ears) glands and fever.
Q70. What is Hepatitis?
Any infectious or inflammatory disease of the liver, identified by symptoms of Jaundice.
Q71. What is Hernia?
A weakness of the muscle surrounding an organ allowing it to bulge through, often found in the groin - surgically cured.
Q72. What is Jaundice?
Excessive Bilirubbin (present in the bile juice secreted by liver) in the blood, with the symptoms of yellowish urind, eyeballs etc.
Q73. What is Migraine?
A type of headache followed by disturbed vision and speech with nausea.
Q74. What is Measles?
A contagious viral disease with red rashes appearing on the body. Disappear in 10 days time.
Q75. Malaria affects?
Spleen and liver.
Q76. What is "Pellegra"?
A disease caused by Nicotinic Acid (Vit. B complex). Causes diarrhoea, mental lethargy, reddish and itchy skins.
Q77. What is "Osteomalacia"?
Disease caused by Vit.D shortage resulting in soft bones, frequent fractures with pain, and bending of back bone.
Q78. What is "Pleurisy"?
Inflammation of the membrane covering the lungs and lines of the cavity in the chest, affecting the function of lungs.
Q79. What is "Rabies"?
A virus disease transmitted by the saliva of infected animal. Symptoms are conulsions and revulsion (fear) for water (Hydrophobia).
Q80. What is "Ring Worm"?
A skin disease causing circular swelling on the skin. Transmitted through airborne spores and contact with infected patient.
Q81. What is "Scarlet fever"?
Caused by Haemolytic streptococcal infection, symptoms are fever, sore throat and a red rash.
Q82. What is "slipped disc"?
A cartilage disc in the spine is displaced putting pressure on the nearest nerve. A very painful condition.
Q83. What is "Small Pox"?
A contagious virus disease, common among children, characterized by a rash of Pustules that leave permanent scars on the skin.
Q84. Which disease is the first to be wiped out completely from the world?
Small pox.
Q85. What is "Thrombosis"?
Blood clot in the blood vessels leading to death by heart attack.
Q86. What is "Ulcer"?
An inflamed open sore on the skin or the membrane of the inner cavities. Mostly occur in the food pipe and stomac. A common disease with persons having irregular food habits and take too much of spicy foods.
Q87. What is Scdiosis?
Bending of the backbone.
Q88. What are the various terms used for Elephantiasis?
Pachyderma, Elephant leg, Barbadoes leg.
Q89. What is Osteoporosis?
A bone thinning disease.
Q90. What is Laryngytis?
Loss of speach.
Q91. What is Dyslexia?
A neurological disorder that affects adversely the learning, speaking and reading abilities, especially children.
Q92. What is Singulutus?
Hiccups - Spasms in the Diaphragm.
Q93. What is Thalessaemia?
A blood disorder, not producing enough haemoglobin - A genetic disorder.
Q94. What is Parkinson's disease?
A nervous disorder causes by the deficiency of Dopamine.
Q95. What is Diplopia?
An eye disorder - Double vision.
Q96. What is Bright's disease?
Associated with kidney - Nephritis.
Q97. What disease is also called "Lock Jaw"?
Tetanus - Lock Jaw - difficulty in opening mouth.
Q98. What is Pneumoconiosis?
A disease affecting lungs of minors due to constant inhaling of dust.
Q99. What is Rubela?
German Measles.
Q100. What is Epistaxis?
Nose bleeding.
Q101. What is "African Trypanosomiasis"?
Sleeping sickness.
Q102. What disease affects coal mine workers?
Black lung.
Q103. Which is the oldest known disease?
Q104. What is Acne?
A skin disease causing pimples in the face.
Q105. Sickle cell disease is associated with?
Blood. A commonly inherited blood disease.
Q106. What causes "Sleeping Sickness"?
A fly called "Tsetse"?
Q107. Which was the first molecular disease to be detected?
Sicklecell Anaemia.
Q108. Which disease is also known as "Hansen's Disease"?
Q109. How many type of "Plague" are there?
(3) - Bubonic, Pneumonic, Septicemic.
Q110. Which bacteria causes whooping cough (Pertussis)?
Borde Tella Pertussis.
Q111. What is Narcolepsy?
An irresistable drowsiness.
Q112. What causes meningitis?
Q113. Which mosquito causes Elephantiasis?
Q114. Alzhemier disease is named after ....?
Alzheimer - a psychiatrist and neuropathologist.
Q115. What is "Hay Fever"?
Common allergic disorder was named for the illness first described for those exposed to the farmlands of England.
Q116. What Ageusia?
Complete loss of taste.
Q117. Down's syndrome was earlier known as?
Mongolian Idiocy.
Q118. What is Crohn's Disease?
Inflamation of the digestive system.
Q119. What is Gynaecomastia?
Enlarged male breast.
Q120. Which virus causes Avian Influenza?
Q121. What is Leptospirosis?
A bacterial disease arising out of cattle excreta causing severe body pain and high fever.
Q122. What Gingivitis?
A disease affecting gums.
Q123. What is Munchausen syndrome?
A rare syndrome that describes people who wander from hospital to hospital feigning severe diseases that require dramatic emergency case.
Q124. Where does deep vein thrombosis occurs?
Formation of blood clot within deep lying veins, usually in legs.
Q125. What is "Septic Shock"?
A life threatening fall in blood pressure caused by blood poisoning.
Q126. What is Amnesia?
Loss of memory.
Q127. What is Anorexia?
Loss or lack of desire to eat.
Q128. What is Dementia?
Degenerative mental disorder affecting memory, intelligence and orientation.
Q129. What is Paranoia?
A psychological disorder characterized by delusions.
Q130. Name the insect that carries the parasite that cause sleeping sickness?
Tesetse fly.
Q131. Name the fungus which causes "Athlete's foot"?
Tinea Pedis.
Q132. What is Septicaemia?
Blood Poisoning.
Q133. What is Carcinoma?
Q134. "Kwashiorkor" is a disease caused by the deficiency of ....?
Q135. What causes "Leukaemia"?
Increased production of WBCs.
Q136. What is "Minamata" disease?
Mercury poisoning.
Q137. What disease is caused by the parasite "Trypanosoma gambience"?
Sleeping sickness.
Q138. Iodine is administered to patients suffering from ....?
Q139. What causes Parkinson's disease?
Lack of supply of "Dopamine" a chemical which facilitates communication between the brain cells.
Q140. What is Polycythemia?
Increase in RBC count.
Q141. Which disease is also known as Hydrophobia?
Q142. Malaria affects which organ?
Q143. What is "Mastectomy"?
Removal of a breast.
Q144. Which disease is used to be known as "Jail Fever" because it was frequent in prisoners?
Q145. Which is the germ responsible for Malaria?
Q146. What is STD?
Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Q147. How was Tuberculosis known in the earlier days?
Q148. What is the technical name for Jaundice?
Viral Hepatitis.
Q149. Which radio isotope is used to detect thyroid cancer?
Iodine 131.
Q150. What is "Delirium tremens"?
A fatal effect of alcohol consumption.
Q151. What is "Gioma"?
A type of tumor affecting the brain.
Q152. What causes "Weils Disease"?
Leptospira the Pathogen.
Q153. Which substance destroys harmful bacteria?
Q154. What is "Glott"?
A disease caused by accumulation of uric acid around joints.
Q155. What destroys the disease causing germs?
White Blood Corpuscles.
Q156. Excess of vitamin D causes?
Osteo-malasia - softening of bones..
Q157. What is genetically transmitted disease?
Q158. Deficiency of Melanin leads to?
Q159. Nervous disorder induced by unhappy home surroundings is called ...?
Q160. What is the biggest virus?
Pox virus.
Q161. What is the causative agent of Amoebiasis?
Entomeoba Histollika.
Q162. What causes Cretinism?
Deficiency of Hydroxide.
Q163. What cause Tetani?
Deficiency of parathermone from parathyroid glands.
Q164. What causes diabetic insepedus?
Anti Diuretic Hormone deficiency.
Q165. What causes "Gigantism"?
Over production of Stomatostatin.
Q166. What causes pneumonia?
Pneumo coccus.
Q167. Jaundice causes ...?
Yellow pigmetation of body tissue.
Q168. Which disease is called "August Fever"?
Q169. What causes "Bronchitis?
Strepto coccus Bacteria.
Q170. What causes "Dehydration"?
Due to loss of water.
Q171. Deficiency of Vit.B causes ...?
Accumulation of water in tissues.
Q172. What is a vector?
An organism which transmit a disease to a healthy person.
Q173. Which disease is mainly transmitted through Rats?
Q174. What are the symptoms of "Parkinson's disorder"?
Does not have control over muscles and exhibit tremors.
Q175. What is the other name for the disease Silicosis?
Grinder's Asthma.
Q176. What is Koch's disease?
Q177. When cancer attacks the bone marrow, it's called as ...?
Q178. How is the headache one side of the head is called ...?
Q179. What causes "Stroke"?
When blood supply to the brain is affected.
Q180. What is Gonarthrosis?
Arthritis of the knees.
Q181. What is often called the cooked food disease?
Rhematoid Arthritis.
Q182. Which plant, a native of Madagascar, is useful in treatment of Leukemia?
Rosi Periwinkle.
Q183. What type of immunity is developed through exposure to a disease?
Acquired Active Immunity.
Q184. What type of virus causes cervical cancer?
Human papillomavirus
Q185. What is Dysmenorrheal?
Acute or incapacitating pain during menstruation.
Q186. What is BIID- Body Integrity Identity Disorder?
A condition of a person having an overwhelming desire to lose a limb or become a paraplegic
Q187. What is Nocturia?
The compulsive need of a person to urinate at least twice during night.
Q188. Endemic disease is ....?
A localized disease arising out of local condition like malaria in marshy areas where mosquitoes breed heavily.
Q189. An Epidemic disease is ....?
Disease affecting a large section of people simultaneously. Eg. Cholera.
Q190. What is a Pandemic disease?
A disease spreading to other countries too. Eg. Bird flu, Swine flu (H1N1)
Q191. What is a Sporadic disease?
A disease occurring sporadically or intermittently in an area with no obvious clue.
Q192. A disease acquired through parental gene is ...?
Hereditary disease Eg: Diabetes
Q193. What is Contagious disease?
A disease spreading to another by physical contact. Eg: AIDS.
Q194. What is an infectious disease?
A disease spreading by specific pathogenic reasons through air, water etc., Eg: Cholera.
Q195. What is a Deficiency disease?
A disease caused by dietary deficiency. Eg: Anemia due to Iron deficiency.
Q196. What is "Hyperhydrosis"?
Abnormally increased perspiration.
Q197. "Lumbago" affects which part of the body?
Q198. What is "Down's syndrome"?
A chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra list chromosome.
Q199. Increased level of uric acid in the human body causes ...? What are the indications?
Gout - a disease marked by deposits of uric acid salts in tissues and joints especially of the feet and hands, with swelling and great pain especially in the big toe.
Q200. What is Hyperglycemia?
Low sugar in the blood.
Q201. "Pyama" is the poisoning of ...?
Q202. What is "Progeria"?
A disease that accelerates ageing process. Also called as Hutchinson - Gilford syndrome.
Q203. What is Gender Identity Dysphoria?
A psychological condition where a person has the normal physical characteristics of one sex but believes that they are the opposite gender.
Q204. What is "Epistaxis"?
Nose bleeding.
Q205. "Black Death" is a disease known as........
Butonic Plague.