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Q1. Small pox vaccine is derived from?
Cow Pox.
Q2. "Aspirin" is derived from?
Willow bark. Aspirin is also called as Acetyl Salicylic Acid.
Q3. Nebulizer are medicines used by ..?
Asthma patients.
Q4. What is generally used for control of Encephalitis?
DEC - Diethyl Carbamazine Citrate
Q5. What is "Triple Antigen"?
Preventive medicines administered to children against Diptheria, Tetanus.
Q6. What medicine induces urine product?
Q7. What are paracetamol medicines?
Pain killer and brings down temperature.
Q8. What are Opoids?
Medicine for pains and migraine.
Q9. What are NS AIDS medicines?
Reduces fever, pain and inflammation..
Q10. What vaccination is administered against meningitis?
Hib - Haemosphilus Influenzae type b.
Q11. What is the common drug used for Typhoid?
Q12. Which drug is used for "Parkinson's diseases"?
Q13. Which is the first antibiotic medicine?
Q14. What is the antidotes to snakes venom?
Antivenim. (for any venomous bites and stings).
Q15. Streptomycin is an active medicine for?
Q16. Which acid is injected into the sting of bees?
Formic Acid.
Q17. How to identify the useworthy of a oral polio vaccine?
There will be a grey circle, around a white square, on the label of the OPV vial. If the colour of the square turns grey and mergest into the circle, then the vaccine is unfit for use.
Q18. What are OTC drugs?
"Over the counter drugs"  which can be sold without a prescription from any registered doctor..
Q19. What is "DEC" used in the control of Elephantiasis?
Diethylcarbamazine Citrate.
Q20. List of General Medicines

ANAESTHETICS: Drugs that block sensory nerves and make a patient fully unconscious to prevent the patient from feeling pain. It is also administered locally. Specially in the case of wounds where stictching is required. Drugs used are: (1) Chloroform, (2) Ether, (3) Sodium Pentathol etc.
ANALGESICS: To prevent or relieve pain like - Aspirin.
ANTIBIOTICS: To prevent growth of body germs and to destroy them as early as possible. Eg: Penicillin, Terramycetin, Tetracycline, etc.
ANTIHISTAMINES: Drugs used to relieve symptoms of Asthma, Hay fever and allergic conditions.
ANTI PYRETICS: To lower body temperature.
DIAZEPAM: A sedative drug. Eg: Valium.
HORMONES: To combat hormone deficiency that causes diseases. Eg: Insulin, Adrenalin
NARCOTICS: Drugs that deades the nervous system and prevent a person from feeling pain. Eg. Opium and it's derivatives like Codeine, Heroin, Morphine, etc.
SEDATIVES: To induce sleep Eg: Barbiturates, Bromides, etc.
TRANQUILLIZERS: Drugs that calm nervous system and prevent worry, tension etc.
VACCINES: Injected to help the body to develop resistance to disease or immunization of the body. Eg. Small Pox, Cholera, Diptheria, Tetanus, Polio, Measles.