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Q1. Ferns belong to which botanical classification?
Q2. The site of photosynthesis is?
Q3. Which tissue is responsible for the passage of water and minerals?
Q4. Xerophyte plants are found in?
Q5. Photosynthesis process takes place in?
Q6. Photosynthesis takes place faster in?
Red light.
Q7. Age of a tree is determined by?
Counting the number of rings in the stem.
Q8. What gas is let out during the photosynthesis process?
Q9. During day time the plants take in?
Take in Carbon-di-Oxide and give out oxygen.
Q10. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from?
Q11. Absence of plants in earth surface will result in?
Loss/absence of oxygen in the atmosphere.
Q12. Plants that grow in saline water are called?
Q13. Onion is a modified form of?
Q14. Cactus is a modified form of?
Q15. Mushroom is a?
Parasitic plant.
Q16. Which organism does not contain chlorophyll?
Q17. In the plants organic substances are transported through?
Q18. The reproductive organs in the anthrophyta are in the?
Q19. Epiphytes plants are those which?
Cling to other plants but do not take nutrition from them.
Q20. Give an example of carnivorous plant?
Pitcher plant.
Q21. Potato is a modified form of?
Q22. Rhizome is an underground modification of?
Q23. Phloem is a tissue found in?
Q24. From which part of the plant turmeric is obtained?
Q25. A plant cell is distinguished from animal cell by the presence of?
Cell wall.
Q26. Clove is obtained from?
Q27. Pollen grains in plants are produced in?
Q28. Who is regarded as the Father of Botany?
Q29. Which fruit is regarded as the "King of Fruits"?
Q30. In onion food is stored in the form of?
Q31. What is the edible portion of a mango is called?
Q32. Name the ester present in Orange?
Octyl Acetate.
Q33. Name the pigment responsible for the red colour of tomato?
Q34. Name the alkaloid present in Tea?
Q35. What metal is present in Chlorophyll?
Q36. Which vegetable has the lowest calorific value?
Q37. How is the art of growing dwarf trees called?
Q38. How the juice of the rubber plant is called?
Q39. Which is the largest flower in the world?
Q40. Which is the seedless fruit bearing plant?
Q41. What is the most essential element for the growth of plants?
Q42. Which gas is used by the plants to prepare food?
Q43. From which plant opium is obtained?
Q44. Which element is found in plenty in garlic?
Q45. What is the term for cultivation of vegetables?
Q46. Cultivation of plants without soil is called?
Q47. The flowering plants are called?
Q48. What is the botanical name for "Lime Tree"?
Citrus Aurantifolia.
Q49. What is the Botanical name for "Maize"?
Zea mays.
Q50. The photosynthesis rate is very high in?
Red light.
Q51. The gas related during photosynthesis is?
Q52. What instrument is used to measure the growth of plants? Who invented it?
Crescograph - Jagdish Chandra Bose.
Q53. Botanically Indian Red Wood tree is?
Q54. What is the Botanical name for Sun flower?
Helianthus Annuus.
Q55. Mushrooms belong to the family of?
Q56. The photosynthesis rate is very low in?
Yellow light.
Q57. What is the scientific name of Oats?
Avena Sativa.
Q58. The tendency of plants to grow in response to the stimulus of gravity is called?
Q59. The plant that used insects as food is?
Pitcher plant.
Q60. What is the acid present in apple is?
Malic acid.
Q61. What is the biggest plant seed?
Cocodemer (Coco-de-mer).
Q62. What gives yellow colour to old leaves?
Q63. Which ester gives pineapple the smell?
Ethyl Butyrate.
Q64. What harmful substances is present in tobacco?
Q65. Which vegetable is known as "Chinese Egg Plant"?
Q66. The acid present in tamarind is?
Tartaric acid.
Q67. What instrument is used to measure the Root pressure?
Q68. Who was the first person to classify plants?
Carlos Linnaeus.
Q69. The acid contained in vegetable oil is?
Stearic acid.
Q70. The study of soil is called?
Q71. Grapes contain which acid?
Tartaric acid.
Q72. A plant which reproduce by spores (and not through flowers) is called?
Q73. A plant living upon another is called?
Q74. The chemical element abundant in custard apple is?
Q75. The period when a seed start to grow is called?
Q76. When are Rabi and Kharif crops are grown/sown?
Rabi - October, November & Kharif - June.
Q77. The study of fungus is called?
Q78. The plant hormone found in coconut milk is?
Q79. Who propagated the cellular theory of plants?
Robert Hooke.
Q80. The study of trees is called?
Q81. Which scientist proved that plants also have got life as that of animals?
Jagdish Chandra Bose.
Q82. Which was the country of origin of dahlia - a colourful flowering plant?
Q83. What are Kelps?
Large Sea Weeds.
Q84. Upto what depth of the sea do the plants grow?
200 m.
Q85. What are the seedless vascular plants?
Q86. Which sea lettuce is an edible green algae?
Q87. Which tree seeds roots down from it's branches?
Q88. Upto what height can a date tree grow?
100 feet.
Q89. Which variety of fungus is highly delicious and aromatic?
Q90. What is the Botanical name for DAISY?
Bellis Perennis.
Q91. Who started the cultivation of cashew nuts?
Q92. What is "Vegetable God"?
Q93. From which plant a laxative is obtained?
Q94. What is the recorded height of a sunflower grown?
6.5 mtr.
Q95. Which tree is famous for making cricket bats?
Q96. Which place in Spain is famous for oranges?
Q97. Which place in India is famous for oranges?
Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Q98. Name the tree whose wood does not float on water?
Box Tree.
Q99. What is the edible part of Cauliflower?
Q100. What is the edible part of a jackfruit?
Q101. India is the source of which plant whose root contains a tranquilizer?
Q102. How do ferns propagate?
Through spores on the leaves.
Q103. Coffee plant is native of?
Q104. What is the average life of a coconut tree?
About 50 years.
Q105. What is the Botanical name of Tea?
Camellia Sinensis.
Q106. What is the major food factor content of cereals?
Q107. What is the Botanical name of Tapioca?
Q108. Which tree contains very powerful insecticides?
Q109. Which yellow flower has the specie name of rats?
Q110. Where did potato a major food item originate?
Q111. Where do giant Cactuses, upto 15 mtr. High grow?
Arizona desert.
Q112. Which is the flower with the longest style?
Q113. Cultivation of fruit trees is called?
Q114. What is the other name of root cap?
Q115. What is the term used for the occurrence of more than one type of morphologically different leaves on the same plant?
Q116. Ediple part of carrot and turnip are?
Q117. Name the natural process involving loss of water from a plant in the form of liquid drops?
Q118. What is the colour of Carotene?
Q119. What is the technical name of the natural opening in leaves meant for gaseous exchange?
Q120. What is the shape of chloroplast in Spirogyra?
Ribbon Shaped.
Q121. What is the other name of Nyctinasty Movement?
Sleep movement.
Q122. Which plant has the life span of 4000 years?
Q123. What is the most common nutritive tissue for the developing embryos in angiosperm known as?
Q124. What is the name of the fruit body of polyporus?
Q125. What is the Botanical name of Mushroom?
Q126. Name the biome which is characterized by the complete absence of trees?
Q127. What is the method of growing same crop year after year in a soil called?
Q128. Which is the smallest flowering plant?
Q129. Which is the heaviest plant / largest tree?
Giant Sequoia
Q130. Seed bearing plants are known as?
Q131. The role of a flower in a plant is?
To attract insects for pollination.
Q132. Fungi are plants lacking?
Q133. Which tree has it's name in Sanskrit meaning "No sorrow"?
Q134. Plants which are attached to soil are called?
Q135. Art of shaping plants is called?
Q136. Which tree is known as "Indian Redwood"?
Q137. What is the wall of plant cell made of?
Q138. What is the name for the gelly-like living substance in plant cells?
Q139. What is the common name for "Vicia-Faba"?
Broad bean.
Q140. What is the common name for "Ranun-culus-repens"?
Creeping Butter Cup.
Q141. What is the name of the common green one-celled algae that grows on the trunks of trees?
Q142. What name is given to the filaments that form the body of a fungus?
Q143. What is the name for the pale-yellow resin obtained from the bark of "Pistacia Lentiscus" and used for making varnish?
Q144. Which grain is called "Pampered Corn"?
Q145. From which tree "Turpentine" is mostly obtained?
Q146. The seeds of which tree are so uniform in weight that they were once used as standard weights by goldsmith?
Q147. Which plant holds its leaves in vertical position and aligns its edges north to south?
Compass plant.
Q148. Which plant seed inspired the invention of Velcro fasteners?
Q149. Which are the longest plant in the world?
Rattan Palm.
Q150. Which plant uses a battery of natural air guns to disperse its dust like spores?
Sphagnum moss.
Q151. The popular name of which tree is derived from a remark by an anonymous joker that "it would puzzle a monkey to climb that tree"?
Chile Pine.
Q152. Which tree has branches having the appearance of roots, giving rising to an ancient belief that the devil had turned the tree upside down?
Q153. Which tree derives its name from a common legend that Judas Iscariot hanged himself on it?
Cercis Siliquastrum.
Q154. Which rose variety became the emblem of the Lancastrians during the 15th century "Wars of the Roses" in Britain?
Red Provins Rose
Q155. During 1630s, Holland was gripped with mania for a particular flower. Which one?
Q156. What is special about the South American tree "Brosimum Utile"?
It gives milk just like Cow's milk.
Q157. Which well-known tree is known in Britain as "Wellintonia"?
Giant Sequdia.
Q158. Which plant has been named after the founder of Singapore?
Rafflesia (Raffel).
Q159. Where is the Birbal Salim Institute of Palaeobotany is located?
Q160. Give a few examples of fungi?
Moulds, Mushrooms, Puff-balls.
Q161. Which pigments are found in the red-algae?
Phycoerythrin and Phycocyanis.
Q162. Several algae are held to the bottom of a pond or sea by a structure known as?
Q163. What is the name given to the plants which cannot grow in soil, rich with live or calcium carbonate?
Q164. Which pigment is present in brown algae?
Q165. The wall of a true fruit is called?
Q166. The wood produced by gymnosperms is commercially known as?
Q167. What are Parthenocarpic fruits?
Fruits formed without fertilization.
Q168. What is a "Bedder"?
A plant suitable for a garden bed.
Q169. What are Rhizomes?
Underground stems.
Q170. The arrangement of leaves on a stem is called?
Q171. Through which tissue of the plant is food and other organic substances are translocated?
Q172. With a growth rate of about 5mm a minute, it is one of the fastest growing organisms in the world. It is also known as "The lady of the white evil"?
Stinkhom Fungus.
Q173. Adventiuos roots are?
Roots arising in places other than the root system.
Q174. A root system composed mainly of branches rather than one of principal root is known as?
Fibrous root system.
Q175. What are the tap roots?
A root system in which there is major root with other roots branching of it.
Q176. Which are the earliest plants to bear seeds?
Q177. Which are the earliest plants to have a conduction system for conduction of water and food?
Q178. What is the name of the plant whose berries are used to make Gin?
Q179. Small plants with a soft stem are called?
Q180. Medium sized plants with woody stems that branch profusely from the base and attain a bushy appearance are called?
Q181. A plant that grows in soils with a high concentration of salt, as found in salt marshes, is known as?
Q182. This large brown sea weed was once an important source of potash, Iodine and Soda. What is it?
Q183. What are Epiphytes?
Plants perched on other plants but does not obtain food from them.
Q184. Which stain is used for demonstrating lignin?
Q185. Which stain is used for demonstrating hyphae and spores?
Aniline Blue.
Q186. In certain plants, the alternating generations of their life cycle are morphologically identical. What is the condition known as?
Q187. The stalk of the flower is called?
Q188. The female sex organ of the bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnosperms is known as?
Q189. Plant cells thought to be gravity sensitive are known as?
Q190. An ovary of fruit having separate or distinct carpels are known as?
Q191. Plants grown in total darkness lack chlorophyll and thus appear white or yellow. What is this type of growth known as?
Q192. Colourless plasticids are known as?
Q193. The fruits which tree contain a sweet, edible dark brown pulp, sometimes called "St.John's bread"?
Q194. In which group yeasts. cup fungi, and edible morels are placed?
Q195. In which group are mushrooms, toad stods, puff balls and bracket fungi placed?
Q196. Which famous person was so fond of mushrooms that he made illegal for any one else to eat those growing in the papal states, lest there should be a shortage for his own table?
Clement VII
Q197. Truffles are rare delicacies much sought after by chefs all over the world. But, it grows underground and have to be smelt out to locate them. Which animal is used most to smell out?
Q198. Which fungi is also known as the "Kerosene fungus"?
Amorphotheca resinae.
Q199. Study of Algae is called?
Q200. What is the name for the study of fruits and their cultivation?
Q201. The study of plant spores and pollen especially in fossil form is known as?
Q202. The study of annual rings in trees is called?
Q203. What is baker's yeast?
Q204. What is Bud?
A partially opened immature flower.
Q205. What is the main component of the cell wall of a plant?
Q206. What gives colour to flowers and fruits?
Q207. What is the name for the disorder for a plant's inability to create chlorophyll?
Q208. What is the term for the plants shedding leaves to prevent water loss?
Q209. What is the major organic compound of the wood of a tree?
Q210. How the caplike past of a mushroom is called?
Q211. What are "Saprophytes"?
Plant which grows and obtains food from dead organic matter like bacteria or fungus. They cannot manufacture their own food as they lack chlorophyll.
Q212. Male reproductive organ of a flower is called?
Q213. What is the female reproductive organ of flower?
Q214. How is stalk of a mushroom is called?
Q215. What is the collective term for sepals and petals?
Q216. What is the chief means of reproduction among ferns, mosses, fungi and other lower plants?
Q217. What is "Vegetative Propagation"?
Any type of reproduction which does not involve the formation of spores or seeds. Eg. Bacteria, Algae.
Q218. What is "Venation"?
The arrangement and folding of leaves in a bud.
Q219. Which chemical (organic) gives the smell of fruits and flowers?
Q220. Which plant gives us "Opium"?
Q221. The pollen containing portion of a stamen is called?
Q222. From which flowering plant does the vanilla beans come from?
Q223. Which tree produces flowers first and then leaves?
Red Bud tree.
Q224. What is the name for the respiratory holes on the surface of a leaf?
Q225. Pteridophytes are commonly known as?
Q226. The chinese called this vegetable as "mad apple" believing it is to cause insanity. Which one is that?
Egg plant.
Q227. The structure in the cells of plants and algae where photosynthesis takes place is called?
Q228. What is the smallest tree in the world?
Dwarf Willow - Can survive in the coldest of climates.
Q229. A common thorny flowering plant, found in India, specially as bordering plants, is named after a french admiral and navigator, Who discovered it?
Bougan Villea.
Q230. The scientific name of this popularly used plant means "food of the Gods". What is it?
Cocoa's scientific name is "Theobroma". In Greek meaning food of the gods.
Q231. Aztec sun, Black soil, Dwarf sun spot, Irish eyes, Lemon queen, Mongolian giant, Orange sun, Red sun, Ring of fire are all....?
Varieties of Sun flower.
Q232. What is "Biotic Pollination"?
Pollination which is medicated by an organism called pollinator.
Q233. China is growing big sized vegetables in its Guandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, like a football sized tomatoe, carrot sized chillies, huge rock size pumpkins etc. How is that?
These are grown from seeds which were fired into the space in its rockets where they orbited the earth for two weeks.
Q234. It is the single largest flower in the world that grows in the forests of Sumatra and Borneo. What is it?
Rafflesia Arnoldii - It is commonly called as "Stinking Corpse Flower" because of its bad odour.
Q235. "Orange Pekoe" is a type of?
Tea. A particular genre of black tea.
Q236. What type of vegetable is a "King Edward"?
Q237. What acid in Apples, keeps the breath fresh?
Malic acid.
Q238. How many species of flowers have been documented and alive even today?
Approximately 2,70,000.
Q239. Pippins, Costards, Codlins and Worcester are?
Varieties of Apples.
Q240. What are the main parts of a flower?
Stamen, Pistil, Ovule and Petal.
Q241. Which common flower is considered as the symbol of Secrecy?
Q242. Cotton processing unit is called?
Q243. Melenzana, Garden Egg, Antergine, Patlican are?
Varities of Brinjal (Also called Egg plant).
Q244. What is the general name for the study of plants?
Q245. What is the name for the study of structure of plants?
Plant Anatomy.
Q246. What is the name for the study of plant evolution from fossil remains?
Paleo Botany.
Q247. What is the name for the study on plants breathing and making food?
Plant Physiology.
Q248. What is the name for the study of plant diseases?
Plant Pathology.
Q249. What is Protoplasm?
Living material in plant and animals.
Q250. Alluvial soil lacks what?
Nitrogen content.
Q251. Lichens are plants ...... ?
without roots and leaves.
Q252. Which flower shares its name with the coloured part of the eye?
Q253. Which part of the flower contains Pollen?
Q254. What is the name for the outer covering or cup of a flower?
Q255. How is tomato also known?
Love Apple.
Q256. What is the name for the field that grows rice?
Paddy field.
Q257. What is the name for the female organ of a flower?
Q258. How do we call the practice of ornamental tree shaping?
Q259. Kiwi fruit is also called as?
Chinese Goose Berry.
Q260. How the seeds of apple and oranges are called?
Q261. What is a "Puff Ball"?
A Fungus.
Q262. Which part of a Cinamon tree is used as a spice?
Q263. Which tree gives linseed oil and linens?
Q264. Which is the World's tallest tree?
Red Wood.
Q265. Gardener's Delight, Welicious, Money maker are all?
Varieties of Tomatoes.
Q266. Which plant has the largest leaves?
Giant Water lily.
Q267. How the segment of a garlic bulb is called?
Q268. Which type of root of a plant goes vertically down below the stem?
Q269. What is "Layering" in gardening terminology?
Propagation by burying a plant stem underground to encourage its rooting.
Q270. Saffron is obtained from which plant?
Q271. Saprophyte are plants that .....?
feed on decaying matters.
Q272. Man, Lady, Soldier, Frog, Monkey are all ....?
Varieties of Orchid flower.
Q273. Fescue, Twitch, Brome, Pampas, Korean are all ....?
Types of grass.
Q274. Which fungus is used in the manufacture of Ethanol?
Alcohol Saccaromyces Cerevisiae.
Q275. Which plant is also called "egg plant" or "aubergine"?
Q276. What is the name for the sugar found in fruits and honey?
Q277. What is the scientific name for the pineapple?
Ananus Comosus.
Q278. How much of a seed is the brawn?
Q279. Who discovered photosynthesis?
Jan Ingenhousz.
Q280. Who is known as father of Green Revolution of the world?
Worman Borlaug.
Q281. Who is the father of Indian Green Revolution?
Q282. What is the scientific name for Tea plant?
Camelia Sineasis.
Q283. Which fungus variety is used for fermentation of alcohol.
Q284. What is the harmful substance found in tobacco?
Q285. Which food crop has the maximum protein content?
Soya bean.
Q286. What is the biggest plant seed?
Q287. What is the terms for the method by which plants absorb mineral salts?
Q288. Wood of which tree is mostly used in boat making?
Q289. What is the evergreen tree found in Himalayas?
Q290. What is the oldest known plant ?
Q291. What is the end product of photosynthesis?
Q292. What is called the power house of a plant?
Q293. Where does the photosynthesis take place in a plant?
Q294. What is Abscission in plants?
A botanical term for the intentional or voluntary dropping of one or more of its parts like the leaves of a tree.
Q295. Apple Prox, Honey Prox, Fuzzy Prox, Flooded Prox are all?
Varieties of Ecualyptus.
Q296. Which wood is mostly used for making cricket bats?
Q297. What gives yellow colour to leaves?
Q298. What chemical is present in vegetable oils?
Stearic Acid.
Q299. Which tree is popularly is known as "Green Gold"?
Q300. What is the common name for Pteriddophytes?
Q301. What is the common term for the sepals of a flower?
Q302. How the desert plants without leaves are called?
Q303. What gives color to flowers and fruits?
Q304. What is the term for the disease of a plant's inability to  form chlorophyll?
Q305. Which type of plants are called "Deciduous"?
Plants which shed leaves to eliminate water loss.
Q306. What are Epiphytes?
Plants whose roots grow upon stems or branches of other plants.
Q307. 50% of the wood of the tree comprises of?
Lignin - complex organic compound found in the cell wall.
Q308. What is parthenocarpy?
The process through which development of fruit takes place without fertilization.
Q309. How the caplike part of a mushroom is called?
Q310. What is Rust related to plants?
A parasitic fungus which infects a number of plants causing red and black spots as leaves and stem.
Q311. What are saprophytes?
Plants which grows and obtain food from dead organic matter like bacteria or fungus, because they lack chlorophyll.
Q312. What is the male reproduction organs of a flower is called?
Q313. What is the female reproductive organ of a flower is called?
Q314. How the stalk of a mushroom is called?
Q315. What are Tepals?
Collective term for petals and sepals of a flower.
Q316. What is transpiration?
Evaporation of water from the stems and leaves of a plant.
Q317. What is Tropiem?
Movement of a plant in response to a particular external stimulus or light.
Q318. What is tuber?
The swollen underground stem or root which serves as a storage organ. Eg. Potato (Stem tuber) and Dahlia (Root tuber).
Q319. What is vegetative propagation?
Any type of reproduction which does not involve the formation of spores or seeds. Eg. Reproduction in bacteria, algae, fungi etc.
Q320. What is vernation?
Arrangement and folding of leaves in a bud.
Q321. What is etidation?
The bleeching of plant leaves due to light deprivation.
Q322. How long can grape wines produce fruit?
20 to 100+ years.
Q323. Which tree, found mostly in India, generate more oxygen than any other tree?
Q324. Which is the largest seed in the world?
Q325. Coconut is a word derived from?
Coco- a Spanish word meaning "Monkey Face".
Q326. Which wood is used as a base for perfumes and also very expensive?
Agar or aloe.