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Q1. What is a game of "Polo"?
Imagine hockey being played from animal back. It is a team game played from horse back, (elephant back also only on entertainment purpose) attempting to score goals, using a ball and a long handed equipment called Mallet (Hammer like).
Q2. What is the field size and the arrangement within?
A rectangular field - 300 yards x  150/160 yards bordered on all sides by a wooden board of 12 inches breadth. A goal post is fixed at both ends with 8 yards apart.
Q3. What is the governing body for Polo at the International level?
Federation Internatiole Polo (Federation of International Polo - established in 1983 and headquartered at Beverley Hills, USA.
Q4. Which country is famous for Polo?
Argentina has been the fore runner and has been the world champions since 1949.
Q5. Where did the game Polo originate?
Manipur, India.