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Q1. What is a Language?
The ability to communicate by speech between human or any means of communication
Q2. Approximately how many languages are there in the world?
Around 9000 languages and dialects.
Q3. Which is the largest spoken language?
Chinese Mandarin - spoken by over 885 million people.
Q4. What is a dialect?
Any form of speech that differs from a real or imaginary standard of speech.
Q5. Which languages is considered as the "International Language" ?
English - spoken by over 400 million people. Although it is far less than the Chinese Mandarin, because of the UK's colonies were spread across continents. English became a communication language between states. However, some of the colonized states are giving the prime status to their native language along with English.
Q6. Which is the third most spoken language in the world?
Spanish with about 335 million speakers.
Q7. If taken as a second language or most communicative language, which language tops the list?
English with around 6000 million speakers, approximately.
Q8. Which language has the maximum alphabets?
Cambodian - 72.
Q9. Which language has the maximum number of words and terms?
English having more than 4,50,000 words and over 3 lakh technical terms. Average usage is around 60000 words.
Q10. In terms of speakers, what are the top 20 languages in the world?
1. Mandarin Chinese
2. English
3. Spanish
4. Hindi (+Urdu)
5. Arabic
6. Portuguese
7. Bengali
8. Russian
9. Japanese
11.Wu Chinese
12. Javanese
14. Punjabi
15. Telugu
16. French
17. Marathi
18. Tamil
19. Italian
20. Yu Chinese.
Q11. What is a language family?
Different languages, similar in dialect or spoken over a region, originated an ancient language/s. For instance, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada of the Southern India are the origins from Dravidian language of the ancient period. Such combination of language having a single base are called so.
Q12. What are the such "language families" which form the base for various languages of the world?
1. Indo European
2. Sino Tibetan
3. Austronesian
4. Afro Asiatic
5. Niger Congo 6. Dravidian
7. Japanese
8. Altaic
9. Austro Asiatic
10. Tai
11. Korean
12. Nilo-Saharan
13. Uralic
14. Amerindians
15. Caucasian
16. Miao-yao
17. Indo Pacific
18. Khoisan
19. Australian Aborigine
20.Palaeo Siberian.
There are a few more which are insignificant by number of languages and speakers.
Q13. How many languages have been identified in India?
1652 - recognized languages are there in India as per 2001 Census. Of which 29 are spoken by more than 10 lakh people and 122 by more than 10000 people.Of these, 22 languages are constitutionally recognized official languages.
Q14. What is the Official Language of India?
Hindi – in Devnagari Script. It accounts for nearly 70% of Indian population.
Q15. Why 14th September is celebrated as "Hindi Day"?
Because it was on this day in 1949 Hindi was declared as the official language.
Q16. Which country, other than India, has very nearly 50% Hindi speaking population?
Fiji – with about 48% Hindi speaking population.
Q17. What are the Official languages recognized under our constitution?
There are 22 of them. Viz:
1. Assamese
2. Bengali
3. Bodo
4. Dogri
5. Gujarati
6. Hindi
7. Kannada
8. Konkani
9. Kashmiri
10. Malayalam
11. Manipuri
12. Marathi
13. Maithili
15. Oriya
16. Punjabi
17. Sanskrit
18. Sindhi
19. Santhali
20. Tamil
21. Telugu
22. Urdu.
They are mentioned under Schedule 8 of the Indian Constitution.
Q18. The language "Hindi" is an off-shoot of.....?
Sanskrit the ancient vedic language.
Q19. What are the Indian languages that are accorded the "Classical Status"?
Based on the antiquity and heritage value, the following are the languages that have been accorded Classical Status:
1. Tamil (2004) 2. Sanskrit (2005) 3. Kannada & Telugu (2008).
Q20. In an Indian currency note, the denomination is printed in how many Indian (+ English) languages?
Total 16 = English + 15 Indian languages.
Q21. What is Palaeography?
The practice of deciphering and reading of historical manuscripts – the study of handwriting.
Q22. What is the name for the scientific study of human languages?
LINGUISTICS – the scientific study of natural language – meaning the  spoken, written and signed languages of human for general communication.
Q23. What is "Abjad" and "Abugida" related to the writing systems?
Abjad:  A type of writing system in which each symbol stands for a consonant –Viz: Arabic and Hebrew.
Abugida: A segmental writing system which is based on consonants, but, in which notation is obligatory. Most Brahmic scripts – Indian and other Eastern Asia scripts – are abugidas. (Brahmi script is again believed to be a descendant of Armaic script).
Q24. What is an alphabet and what is the origin of the word "alphabet"?
A single letter, combination & additions (to each alphabet) of which make a  word with a sense. Each language has different number of alphabets.  “Alphabet” is derived from Greek “alpha” and “beta” the first two letters of Greek alphabets.
Q25. What is the earliest known writing?
Egyptian Civilisation writing around 2700 BC had a set of 22 letters/hieroglyphs.
Q26. Mention a few famous foreign languages with the number of Alphabets?
Latin: Also called Roman alphabets - with 26 alphabets. It is the most widely
Used alphabetic system.
German: 26 alphabets.
Russian: 33 alphabets. Also called the "Cyrillic" alphabets.
Greek: 24 alphabets.
Spanish: 26 alphabets.
Arabic: 28 Basic letters.
Q27. What is unique about the Arabic writing system?
It has 28 basic letters. Some letters may look similar but are differentiated by putting a single or two dots above the letter to get the correct sound. It is the second most used alphabets/scripts. The uniqueness in this system, unlike other languages, Arabic (also Urdu) is  Written from right to left and a book is read from right to left only.
Q28. What is unique about the writing system in Chinese, Japanese and Korean Languages?
Chinese: Written Chinese is not an alphabetic script. It is a logographic script which represents a word, called “characters” and in Chinese known as “Hanji”. There are about 47000 of them. Mastering or learning of 4000 such  characters would be enough to become a Chinese literate. These are the  world’s longest  continuously used writing system. Japanese: Similar to Chinese with 2928 characters as of 2004. Korean: There are about 51 characters (Jamos). The script is known as  “Hangul” script.
Q29. English alphabets are based on?
Latin and as of now it has 26 alphabets.
Q30. Originally English had how many alphabets?
24 – Twenty four – U and J were added later in the 16th century to make it 26.
Q31. What is the timeline of development of English?
Old English (Anglo Saxon)    450 – 1100 AD
Middle English    1100 – 1500 AD
Early Modern English   1500 – 1650 AD
Modern English    1650 to date.
Q32. Who is considered as the father of English poetry?
Geoffrey Chaucer.
Q33. Which book is considered as the "Bible" of English Grammar?
Wren and Martin.
Q34. Who in India was considered as a great scholar in English?
V.S.Srinivasa Sastry.
Q35. Mention a couple of words which have all the vowels in it?
Dialogue, Education.
Q36. What is the shortest English word with all the vowels in it?
Sequoia – (genus) a genus with one living and several fossil species.
Q37. What is an "anagram" in English?
An English word, when read from the reverse forms another meaningful word.For instance, “Now” when read in reverse it is “won” another meaningful word.
Q38. What is "acronym" in English?
A word formed from the first/or first few letters of a series of words or phrase, only to represent the entire phrase in short viz: HOD for Head of the Dept.,
Q39. What is "Palindrome" in English?
A word, phrase, or sentence that reads the same from right to left to right.   Eg: Madam, Malayalam.
Q40. What is "Orthography"?
Any method of spelling.
Q41. What is "transliteration"?
To write or spell in corresponding characters of another alphabet.
Q42. What is "Abbreviation"?
A shortened form of a long word or group of words like VIP for very important  Person.  (similar to acronym).
Q43. What is "Portmanteau"?
When two words are combined to form a word like Motor + Hotel = Motel  (highway hotels), Breakfast + Lunch = Brunch etc.,
Q44. What is "Homonym"?
A  word with the same pronunciation as another but with a different  meaning, origin and usually spelling.
Q45. What is "Homophone"?
Any of two or more letters or groups of letters having same pronunciation.
Q46. What is "Heteronym"?
A word with the same spelling as another but with a different meaning and  pronunciation.
Q47. What is " Toponym " in English?
A word derived from the name of a place.
Q48. What is "Epithalamium"?
A poem written to celebrate a wedding.
Q49. Which is the only English word to end with 'mt'?
Q50. Which is the common English word that has a to f in it?
Q51. What word in English that describes the changing the form of a verb in order to reflect person, number, tense and mood?
Q52. There are only four English words ending with "dous". What are they?
Tremendous, Horrendous, Stupendous and Hazardous.
Q53. What is the longest word in English that is typed with only the left hand?
Q54. What is the longest non technical word in English Dictionary and what does it mean?
FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION – meaning, the act of estimating  something as worthless.
Q55. What is the longest commonly known English word that is arranged in the alphabetical order?
Q56. There are some words in English like, Monkey, Dog, Red, Yellow, Culture, Phobia etc when generally suffixed with another word/s or prefixe(with One of them remaining constant eitherway) gives different meaning. Few examples?
Have a Monkey on One's Back: An addicts dependence on a drug or any Such habit.
Make a Monkey Of: Some one made to look a fool.
Monkey With: To meddle fool or tinker/play tricks.
To Monkey: to initiate.
Monkey Business: Mischievous, dishonest act or behaviour.
Monkey Jacket: A short close fitting jacket.
Monkey Cap: A cap covering the entire head leaving the face side open.
Monkey Nut: Another name for peanut.
Monkey Suit: A type of male evening dress.
Monkey's Wedding: Combination of rain and sunshine.
Monkey Tricks: Mischievous Behaviour.
Dog Days: Hot period of Summer.
Dog Ear: To fold down the corner of a page.
Dog End: An informal name for cigarette ends.
Dogging: To pursue or follow like a dog.
Dog's Life: A wretched existence.
Dog's Chance: No Chance at all.
Dogged: Obstinately determined.
Dog in the Manger: A person who prevents others using something which has no use.
Dog Leg: A sharp bend or angle.
Dog Star: Another name for Star SIRIUS.
Dog Tired: exhausted.
Yellow Belly: A slang for coward.
Yellow Card: A way of showing caution for a player committing an offence.
Yellow Streak: A cowardly or weak trait.
Yellow Journalism: Journals seeking sensationalism, exaggeration for attraction.
Yellow Pages: A classified telephone directory.
Yellow Line: On the road-crossing an offence.
Red Carpet Welcome: A welcome extended to royals, VVIPs on a red carpet.
Red Letter Day: A moment of history.
Red Tapism: A term used against delays in Government processes.
Red Hot: Strike it when it is red hot - meaning the appropriate time to strike.
Agriculture: A practice or profession of farming.
Horticulture: Science of plant cultivation including the process of preparing soil for plantation.
Floriculture: Cultivation of ornamental and flowering plants.
Api Culture: Practice of Bee Rearing.
Seri Culture: Silk farming.
Aquaculture: Farming of aquatic organisms.
Pisciculture: A practice of farming fish.
Monoculture: The practice of producing or growing one single crop over a wide area.
Mariculture : Cultivation of marine organisms.
Silviculture : Growing of trees and forests.
Q57. Of the Dravidian languages which is the most spoken?
Q58. Of the Dravidian language, which is the youngest?
Q59. Language Malayalam is a mixture of......?
Tamil and Sanskrit.
Q60. What is the name for the Russian language script?
Q61. Linguistically, which island nation is world's most diverse?
Papua New Guinea - with more than 700 dialects.
Q62. Which language has the most native speakers in the world?
Chinese Mandarin.
Q63. What is the name of the language of the Eskimos?
Q64. What are the Indian languages that are substantially present in other countries?
Assamese - Bhutan; Bengali - Bangladesh
Bhojpuri - Nepal; Hindi - Fiji, Guyana, Suriname
Hindustani - Mauritius; Punjabi - Pakistan.
Sindhi - Pakistan; Tamil - Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka.
Q65. What is "Siamese Twins" with reference to English?
Pair of words that is used together, usually conjoined and the order of elements cannot be reversed. Eg: Live and Let Live.
Q66. What is "Limerick" and who is famous in using them?
They are five line comic verses. Edward Lear is most famous for this.
Q67. What is the speciality of an "acrostic" poem?
The first letter of each of the lines when put together spell out a word.
Q68. Which language has the richest vocabulary?
Q69. What is " Anagram " in English?
A word that is formed by rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to form new words or phrases.
Q70. What is "Majuscule" and "Miniscule"?
Majuscule – Upper case or Capital Letters.
Miniscule – Lower Case or Small Letters.
Q71. What is the last letter of Greek Alphabet?
Q72. Who brought out the first book on the principles of punctuation?
Aldo Manuzzio.
Q73. Which famous British Indologist was a master of many languages?
William Jones – 1746-1794 – British Philologist – He knew 13 languages thoroughly and another 28 languages reasonably well, making him a  “hyperpolyglot”.
Q74. Who is a "hyperpolyglot"?
A person with a high degree of proficiency in different languages.
Q75. Which Filippino (Philippines) was also a master of many languages?
Jose Rizal – A Filipino who knew 22 languages.
Q76. Study and Proficiency in many languages is also known by the term.....?
Philology – a study of languages.
Q77. Which Indian former PM was proficient in many Indian and foreign languages?
P.V.Narasimha Rao – A Telugu by birth, he was proficient in Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil and also spoke well in English and Other foreign languages like French, Arabic, Spanish, German, Greek,Latin and Persian.
Q78. What is the most widely spoken languages of South Africa?
Q79. Which two languages are regarded as the basis for origin of English?
Greek and Latin.
Q80. What is "elison" in English writing?
One word expression for omitting vowels or syllables in expressions, like – “we’ll” instead of “we will”.
Q81. What is the most used English alphabet?
Q82. Comma (,) is derived from.....?
Q83. Who was that Italian scholar who knew many languages, including some Asiatic languages?
Giuseppe Tucci – 1894-1984 – Specialist on Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism. He was fluent in many European languages and also Asian languages like, Sanskrit, Bengali, Pali, Prakrit, Chinese and Tibetan.
Albanian Albania
Arabic Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Regpublic, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, Yemen.
Armenian Armenia, Russia, Syria
Azeri Azerbaijan
Assamese Assam, and Bhutan
Aymara Bolivia, Peru
Affar Djibouti
Ambarika Ethiopia
Amerindian Mexico
Azerbaijani Azerbaijan, Russia.
Berber Algeria, Morocco
Bantu Angola, Gabon, Mozambique, Zambia
Bengali West Bengal, some eastern states of India & Bangladesh
Belorussian Belarus, Russia
Bulgarian Bulgaria
Bubi Equatorial Guinea
Burmese Myanmar
Bhasa Indonesia
Bambara Mali
Bislama Vanuatu
Bhojpuri Bihar, some parts of Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand
Baluchi Pakistan
Brahvi Pakistan.
Catalan Andorra, Spain
Chakma Bangladesh
Comoran Comoros
Congo Congo
Czech Czech
Chechewa Malawi
Croatian Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro.
Chinese Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
Chinese Mandarin China, Taiwan
Crioulo Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau
Creole Guyana, Haiti
Dari Afghanistan
Dzongka Bhutan
Danish Denmark
Dutch the Netherlands, Indonesia, Suriname
Divehi Maldives
Djerma Niger
Dinka Sudan
Dubian Sudan
Egyptian Egypt
Estonian Estonia
French France, Algeria, Andorra, Belgium, Benin, Burundi, Burkino Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote-d-Ivoire, DR Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Gabon, Grenada, Guinea, Haiti, Laos, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mauritius, Monaco, Niger, Rwanda, Seychelles, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, Vanuatu,Vietnam.
Flemish Belgium
Fon Benin
Fang Equatorial Guinea
Fijian Fiji
Finnish Finland
Filippino Philippines
Greek Greece, Albania, Cyprus
German Germany, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Namibia, Romania, Switzerland.
Gurung Bhutan
Georgian Georgia, Russia
Gilbertese Kiribati
Gurrani Paraguay
Galioian Spain
Gaelic UK
Hindi North India, Fiji, Guyana, Suriname
Hungarian Hungary, Romania
Hebrew Israel
Hindustani Mauritius
Hansa Niger, Nigeria
Hakka Dialects Southern China.
Italian Italy, Argentina, Monaco, San Marino, Somalia, Switzerland
Issa Djibouti
Icelandic Iceland
Irish Ireland
Iba Nigeria
Javanese Indonesia, Suriname
Japanese Japan, Marshall Islands.
Kirundi Burundi
Khmer Kampuchea(Cambodia)
Kiswahili DR Congo, Kenya, Tanzania
Khurdish Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey
Kazakh Kazakhstan
Kikuyu Kenya
Korean Korea (both)
Kirghiz Kyrgystan
Karen Myanmar
Kinyarwanda Rwanda.
Lhotsam Bhutan
Lingala Congo, DR Congo
Lao Laos, Thailand
Latvian Latvia
Lithuanian Lithuania, Latvia
Luxembourgish Luxembourg
Lomwe Malawi
Luganda Uganda
Latin Vatican
Magh Bangladesh
Malay Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand
Mandinka Gambia
Macedonian Macedonia
Malagasy Madagascar
Maltese Malta
Manhalese Marshall Islands
Monegasque Monaco
Mongolian Mongolia
Maithri Nepal
Maori New Zealand
Melanesian Papua New Guinea
Magyar Slovakia
Nauruan Nauru
Nepali Nepal
Norwegian Norway
Ndebela Zimbabwe
Oromina Ethiopia
Papuan Papua New Guinea
Palauan Palau
Pushto Afghanistan, Pakisan
Punjabi Punjab, India and Pakistan
Persian Afghanistan, Iran
Portuguese Portugal, Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome & Principe.Patois Dominica, St. Kitts & Nevis
Pudgin English Equatorial Guinea, Solomon Islands
Pular Mauritania
Polish Poland
Quechua Bolivia, Peru
Quechuan Equador
Russian Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyztan, Latvia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
Romanian Romania, Moldovia
Rosque Spain
Romanch Switzerland
Spanish Spain, Andorra, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba,Dominican Republic,Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, USA, Venezeula
Serb Serbia & Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Setswana, Sishona Botswana
Sudanic Burkino Faso
Sangho Central African Republic
Soninke Mauritania
Shan Myanmar
Swedish Sweden, Finland
Sesotho Lesotho
Sindhi Pakistan
Swahili Rwanda
Samoan Samoa
Slovak Slovakia
Sloevenian Sloevenia
Somali Somalia
Sinhala Sri Lanka
Sarantengo Suriname
Swazi Swaziland
Scots UK
Shorra Zimbabwe.
Turkish Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iran.
Teke Congo
Tetum East Timor
Tamil Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India (Tamilnadu)
Tigrigana Eritrea, Ethiopia
Taiwanese Taiwan
Tadzhik Tajikistan
Thai Thailand
Tongan Tonga
Tuvaluan Tuvalu
Turkmenish Turkmenistan
Urdu Pakistan, Guyana, India
Ukrainian Ukraine, Moldovia, Russia
Uzbek Uzbekistan, Russia
Vietnamese Vietnam
Welsh UK
Wolof Mauritania, Senegal
Yoruba Benin, Nigeria
Yao Malawi.