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Q1. Khandesh region lies in?
Lies in the Tapti river valley. The region came to be known as Khandesh as the rulers in 14th/15th centuries had "khan" suffixed to their names.
Q2. Who founded the Khandesh principality and the kingdom thereafter to follow until it came under Mughal rule?
MALIK RAJAH FARUQI - 1389-1399 - A governor under Firuz Shah Tughlaq and when the Delhi Sultanate disintegrating, he founded this dynasty in 1389 and ruled until 1399. He had some reverses from Gujarat Sultan but consolidated his position by matrimonial alliance with the Sultan of Malwa.
Q3. Who are the other rulers of Khandesh region?
NASIR KHAN - 1399-1437 - Son of Malik Rajah succeeded and had to face defeats at the hands of Ahmad Shah of Gujarat and made to accept the suzerainty of Ahad Shah of Gujarat. The other rulers to follow were:
MIRAN ADIL KHAN I - 1437-1441;
MIRAN MUBARAK - 1447-1457;
ADIL KHAN II - 1457 and 1503.
After Adil Khan II, Daud Khan, Ghazi Khan, Adil Khan III etc., followed but were very weak and inefficient. Finally the dynasty crumbled and fell into the hands of Akbar by 1601.