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Q1. What are Nutrients?
Energy needs of the body. It is derived from the food we eat.
Q2. What are the various nutrients required by the body?
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Minerals, Iron, Phosphorous, Iodine, Chlorine, Vitamins.
Q3. What are Carbohydrates?
They are organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen which constitute sugars like starches, cellulose, glucose, etc., and supply calories for body activity.
Q4. What are the source of Carbohydrates?
Rice, Wheat, Honey, Sugar, Potatoes, Dry beans, Carrots, etc. Thus it is evident that carbohydrates are a naturally occurring energy source for the body, formed by Photosynthesis of plants.
Q5. What is the normal requirement of Carbohydrates for the body?
400 gm to 500 gms per day. 50% of carbohydrates are found in the regular diet.
Q6. What is the effect of deficiency of carbohydrates?
Weight loss and weakness.
Q7. What are Proteins?
They are complex nitrogenous compounds which are hydrolized in the body to produce amino acids. They are essential for growth and repair of body tissues. They supplement to the calorie level of the body.
Q8. What are the sources of Protein?
Animal fats, Milk, Fish, Meat, Eggs, Nuts, Dal etc.
Q9. What is the normal requirement of Protein for the body?
70 gms per day.
Q10. What is the effect of Protein deficiency?
Loss of weight, slow growth and unhealthy swelling in different parts of the body.
Q11. What is the important mineral found in the body?
Q12. What is the functions of calcium in the body?
Strengthens bones, and teeth, good nails, regulates nerves action, heart beat rhythm, and on the whole a healthy body.
Q13. What is the normal requirement of minerals including calcium for the body?
1200 mg per day.
Q14. What is the effect of calcium deficiency?
Weak bones and fractures, teeth ailments in general.
Q15. What are the other minerals requirement of the body?
Iron, Phosphorous, Iodine, Chlorine.
Q16. What is the function of Iron, in the body?
Blood formation (haemoglobin) essentially and supply of oxygen to cells, healthy complexion, better memory and warmth in hands and feet.
Q17. What is the source of iron?
Green Leafy vegetables, Liver which produces haemoglobin, Egg yolk.
Q18. What is the average requirement of Iron per day for the body?
18mg per day
Q19. Deficiency of Iron causes ...?
Anaemia and a weak body.
Q20. What is the need for Phosphorous in the body?
It is necessary for energy production, secretion from glands, building and maintaining bones and teeth, in the form of calcium phosphate.
Q21. What are the sources of phosphorous for the body?
Fish, Meat, Milk, Cereals mainly.
Q22. What is the average per day requirement of Phosphorous for the body?
1200 mg per day.
Q23. What is the need for Iodine for the body?
Maintains stamina, endurance and healthy thyroid glands.
Q24. What is the source of Iodine for the body?
Through Iodized table salt.
Q25. What is the average per day requirement of Iodine for the body?
0.15 mg per day.
Q26. Deficiency of Iodine causes?
Q27. What is the need for Chlorine for the body?
Helps in digestion of food and transmission of carbon dioxide through RBCs.
Q28. What is the source for Chlorine for the body?
Table salt.
Q29. What is the average requirement of Chlorine per day for the body?
3500 mg of chloride and 3000 mg of sodium.
Q30. What is the "Balanced Diet" means?
A diet which contains all the necessary nutrients in the right proportion required for the body for steady growth and maintenance.
Q31. What are Vitamins?
Essential food requirement in the form of chemicals present in the food in take. The range of requirement of various vitamins are from 1 microgram to 30 mg per day.
Q32. What are the various vitamins, their requirements, source and result of deficiency?
(1) VITAMIN A: (Retinol) Source: Animal fat, carrots, eggs, mangoes, papayas, apricots, tomatoes, spinnach, cod-liver oil, whole milk, withinthe body carotene. Functions: Body growth, anti-infective, essential for healthy skin and helps night vision. Deficiency: Poor growth, rough & dry skin and also skins infection, severe deficiency may cause night blindness.
(2) VITAMIN B: Chemical Name: Thiamine (B1) Source: Brewer's yeast, cereals, eggs, fruits, liver within the body, by metabolism of carbohydrates. Functions: Anti-neurotic, anti-beriberi, Health of the nervous system, release of energy from carbohydrates by metabolism of carbohydrates. But, gets destroyed by excessive heat. Deficiency: Causes poor growth, neuritis, Beriberi, Fisssures at the corners of the mouth and on tongue, skin diseases, Pellagra, Diarrhea.
(3) VITAMIN B6: Chemical Name: Phriodoxine Source: Cereals, fruits, meat, pulses. Functions: Relieves post radis therapy, nausea and vomiting. Helps in protein metabolism. Deficiency: Nervousness and Insomnia.
(4) FOLIC ACID (B9): Source: Green vegetables, Liver Functions: Helps in production of RBCs. Deficiency: Macrocytic Anaemia.
(5) VITAMIN B12: Chemical Name: Cyanocobalamin Source: Liver, cereals, eggs, pulses. Functions: Essential for RBC formation. Can only be absrobed in the presence of gastric juices and stored in the liver. Deficiency: Perniaois Anaemia
(6) VITAMIN C: Chemical Name: Ascorbic Acid. Source: Oranges, lemons, cow's milk, fresh vegetables and fruits. Functions: Formation of bones, teeth and collages. gets destroyed in cooking in air. Deficiency: Sore mouth and gums, capillary bleeding scurvy, delayed healing of wounds.
(7) VITAMIN D: Chemical Name: Calciferol. Source: Oily fish, dairy products, egg yolk, milk, sun rays, butter. Functions: Antirachitic, assists in absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous, helps in body growth. It is more produced in the body by the action of sunlight in the skin. Deficiency: Causes rickets in children. Osteomalacia and Osteoporosis (Bone related diseases) in adults.
(8) VITAMIN E: Chemical Name: Tocopherols Source: Wheatgram, milk, cereals, egg yolk, beef, liver, mutton, spinnach, soya beans. Functions: Helps in reproduction and sex, helps cell respiration, metabolism of fats and starches. Deficiency: Affects reproduction, cause certain degenerative diseases of the nervous system, liver damage, bleeding, abortion, irregular menstruation.
(9) VITAMIN K: Chemical name: Menadione Source: Green leaf vegetables, oats, fish, rye, peas. Functions: Anti-haemorrhagic, essential for production of Prothrombin - blood clotting. Deficiency: Delayed clotting of blood, liver damage, increased tendency to haemorrhage.
(10) VITAMIN P: Source: Found in all Vitamins C sources like oranges, lemons and other citrous fruits. Functions: Functions closely with Vitamin C and helps in its function, keeps blood capillaries healthy. Deficiency: Unhealthy blood capillaries.
Q33. Which vitamin deficiency causes bleeding gums?
Vit. C.
Q34. Which vitamin deficiency causes eye problems?
Vit. A.
Q35. Which vitamin deficiency is rare?
Vit. K.
Q36. Which vitamin deficiency causes Rickets and bone related problems?
Vit. D.
Q37. Deficiency of which vitamin affects reproduction?
Vit. E.
Q38. Deficiency of which vitamin delays the blood clotting process?
Vit. K.
Q39. Which are the fat soluble vitamins?
Vitamins - A, D, E and K.
Q40. What are the basic building blocks of Proteins?
Amino Acids.
Q41. What helps in digestion of food?
Q42. Vitamin 'A' is stored in the ....?
Q43. Which is the largest source of Vitamin 'A'?
Q44. Which food has more calorific value?
Q45. How the carbohydrates are stored in the body?
As Glycogen.
Q46. What are the main proteins in the body?
Albumin, Globulin, Gluten, Gliadin, Sclero Protein, Protemine and Histone.
Q47. Who coined the term "Vitamin"?
Casimir Funk, a Polish Scientist, in 1912.
Q48. Name the carbohydrate that is not digested by the human being?
Q49. What is the end product of digested proteins?
Amino Acids.
Q50. Where is the fat stored in our body?
Adipose tissue.
Q51. Which enzyme acts on starch?
Q52. Which food is the richest in calcium?
Q53. Name the vitamin that is absent in milk?
Vit. C.
Q54. What is the chemical name for Vitamin B2?
Q55. What is the major source of Vitamin 'C'?
Citrus fruits like lemon, orange etc.
Q56. Which vitamin is called Phylloquinone?
Vitamin K.
Q57. Name the bacteria which turns milk with curd?
Q58. What vitamin prevents bleeding of gums?
Ascorbic acid.
Q59. Which are the vitamins prevent in B Complex?
B1, B2, B6 and B12.
Q60. What is Cyanocobalamin?
Vit B12.
Q61. What is the vitamin present in rice-polishing?
Vit. B2.
Q62. Deficiency of Vit. B1 causes?
Beri Beri
Q63. What is Calciferol?
Vit. D3.
Q64. What is steroid Vitamin?
Vit. D.
Q65. Which vitamin prevents "Pellagra"?
Q66. What is a sunshine vitamin?
Vit. D.
Q67. What are Lipids?
Fats and their derivatives occurring in living systems.
Q68. What is the metal contained in Vit. B12?
Q69. Why are carbohydrates essential to the body?
Provides energy.
Q70. What is Bomb calorimeter?
Used for estimating the energy content of food stuffs per unit weight.
Q71. What is the other name for "biotin"?
Vitamin H.
Q72. Which vitamin is also known as "PP Vitamin"?
Q73. Deficiency of Vitamin B2 causes?
Angular Stomatitis.
Q74. Deficiency of Vitamin B1 causes?
Beri Beri.
Q75. Deficiency of which vitamin causes "Pellagra"?
Q76. Who discovered Vitamin A?
Elmer Verner McCollum.
Q77. Who discovered Vitamin D?
Edward Mellanby.
Q78. Who discovered Vitamin C?
Szert Gyorgi.
Q79. Who discovered Vitamin K?
Stefan Ansbacher.
Q80. Who coined the word "Vitamin"?
Cassimir Funk.
Q81. "Protein" is a word from?
Greek meaning of "first importance".
Q82. "Chromosome" is a word from?
Greek - meaning "Coloured body".
Q83. Which was the first enzyme to be prepared from animal tissue?
Q84. Which was the first protein harmone ever to be synthesized?
Q85. Which is the most abundant of all the proteins in the high vertebrates?
Q86. What is an "apoenzyme"?
The protein part of an enzyme.
Q87. Which vitamin is lost when heated?
Vitamin C.
Q88. Which organ produces the largest enzymes?
Q89. What are the enzymes contained in the Pancreatic Juice?
Trypsin, Amylase and Lipse.
Q90. Which is the major nutrient in ground nut?
Q91. What are the three main group of carbohydrates?
(1) Monosaccharides, (2) Disaccharides, (3) Polysaccharides.
Q92. Protein consist of?
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen.
Q93. Which vitamin is soluble in water?
Vit B and C.
Q94. What is the alkaloid present in coffee?
Q95. Which enzyme digests the fat?
Q96. which enzyme digests the protein?
Q97. Which enzyme digest the starch?
Q98. Which is the important carbohydrate present in plants?
Q99. What is the chemical name for Vit. B1?
Q100. The starches and sugars present in food come under which category?
Q101. What is the protein present in milk?
Q102. The oxidation process of glucose is known as?
Kreb's cycle.
Q103. What is the chemical name for Vitamin B6?
Q104. Which vitamin is also known as Retinol?
Vitamin A.
Q105. Which vitamin effectively prevents "Pellagra"?
Niacin - Pellagra is a disease caused by the deficiency of niacin in the diet and characterized by skin eruptions and mental disorders.
Q106. Which leafy vegetable is a major source of iron?
Q107. What is Ergocalciferol?
Vitamin D2.
Q108. What is Niacin commonly called?
Vitamin B3.
Q109. Chemical name of B12 is?
Q110. Which vitamin helps your body to absorb the calcium in food and deposit in bones and teeth?
H (Biotin)
Q111. Riboflavin is known by which vitamin?