Capital: Panaji
Area:3702 SQKM (28th)
No.of Districts: Two
Languages: Konkani, Portuguese, Marathi, English.
Population: 1457723 (2001)
Literacy: 87%
Assembly: Unicameral - 40 seats.
Lok Sabha: Two
Rajya Sabha:One
Major Rivers: Mandovi, Zuari, Terekhol, Chapora.
Geographical Position: 15.563 degree 73.818 degree E (Panaji)
Borders: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Arabian Sea.
State Tree: Asna
State Animal: Gaur
State Bird: Black Crested Bul Bul.
Governor: Mridula Sinha
Chief Minister: Manohar Parikkar
Q1. Prior to liberation and annexation, who were the rulers of Goa?
Mauryans, Satavahanas, Chalukyas, Silharas, Kadambas, Dulhi Sultanates, Vijayanagara, Bahmani Sultans, Adil Shahis and then Portuguese from early 16th century and remained with them until 1961.
Q2. Under what circumstances Goa was taken over by India?
Although India attained freedom in 1947, the Portuguese were reluctant to handover the territory to India. Hence, the region had to be acquired through a military operation codenamed "Operation Vijay" between 16th to 18th December 1961.
Q3. After annexation from Portuguese, in 1961, what was the position of Goa?
It was kept as a Union Territory until it was accorded statehood on 30th May 1987.
Q4. As a state what is the position of Goa?
Smallest by area; 25th in population; richest state with a GDP per capita - two and a half times more than that of the country as a whole.
Q5. Goa is a coastal region lying on the ...........?
Arabian sea coast, along the western ghats.
Q6. What are the two districts of Goa?
1. North Goa and 2. South Goa.
Q7. What are the big cities of Goa?
1. Panaji 2. Mapusa 3. Pilar 4. Margao 5. Salcete 6. Vasco da Gama - being the largest city.
Q8. Capital City Panaji lies on the banks of...........?
River Mandovi.
Q9. What are the natural and agricultural resources of Goa?
Natural: Iron, Bauxite, Manganese, Lime Stone, Silica, Clay, Forest, and heavy rains during south west monsoon and beautiful beaches which is a big source of tourism industry to flourish.
Agricultural: Mangoes, Cashew.
Q10. What is the name of the famous mangoes from Goa?
Alphonso (it is also available from Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg regions of Maharashtra)
Q11. What is the name of the alcohol brewed from cashew available in Goa mostly?
Q12. In which church of Goa, the body of Saint Xavier is till preserved?
Basilica of Born Jesus.
Q13. What is the famous waterfalls located on the Goa-Karnataka border?
Doodhsagar Falls - can be seen closely on the Bengaluru-Goa railway line.
Q14. What special status the churches and convents in Goa have?
Declared as world Heritage Sites.
Q15. What is the major problem faced by Goa?
Political instability due to indecisive polls. Somewhat peaceful now.
Q16. What sport is followed most in Goa?
Foot Ball - The state has produced many international players. Vasco, Salgaoncar, and Churchill Brothers are the famous clubs.
Q17. Mention a few famous personalities of Goa?
1. Leander Paes - Goa born Indian Tennis Player of world fame.
2. Remo Fernandez - Musician.
3. Dinanath Mangeshkar - Musician and father of Lata & Asha Bhonsle.
4. Julius Francis Ribeiro - IPS officer.
5. Frank & Dorn Moraes - Journalists.
6. Salgaoncar Family - Industrialists.
Q18. Who was the first CM of Goa?
Dayanand B. Bandodkar - 1961-1966.