Unfortunately, Mr. M. Subramanian, who maintained this website lost his battle to cancer and passed away in July, 2019. The database has over 50,000 questions. If you are interested in purchasing the website/database, please reach out using the form here. Learn TNPSC exam and online pratice
Q1. A woman with normal vision, but whose father was colour blind, marries a colour blind man. Suppose that the fourth child of this couple was a boy, this boy ......
Q2. Moulting hormone is secreted by ...........
Q3. Which of the following is a transparent tissue?
Q4. A cricket player is fast chasing a ball in the field. Which one of the following groups of bones are directly contributing in this movement?
Q5. During an allergic reaction, the binding of antigens to IgE antibodies initiates a response, in which a chemical causes the dilation of blood vessels and a host of other physiological changes. Such chemicals are:
Q6. In relation to heart, which of these statement is true?
Q7. What are the main components of the heart?
Q8. RNA contains ..................
Q9. The clover leaf model of tRNA was suggested by ...............
Q10. The amount of tRNA in the cell is about .................
Q11. The other name for the Trna IS ..............
Q12. The building block of DNA is ................
Q13. What is the normal heart rate (number of beats per minute)?
Q14. The genome of virus is made up of ...............
Q15. Tetraploid corn contains more ..............
Q16. Genes are made up of ................
Q17. The term arrhythmia means out of normal rhythm and means?
Q18. Diploidy condition is seen in
Q19. Point mutation brings change in the
Q20. The first man made cereal is .................
Q21. Functional units of genes are ............
Q22. Enzymes that can cut DNA at specific places are..................
Q23. NOT a tissue culture medium
Q24. Anand Mohan Chakrabarty is the first one to develop a strain of ................
Q25. ...................mechanism involves stabilizing an optimum level of water, minerals of body fluids and thermal regulation.
Q26. Vitamin E remains as ..............
Q27. The symptoms of arrhythmias include.........
Q28. Each gram of carbohydrate is capable of producing energy equivalent of ..............
Q29. Through which of the following processes, energy metabolism takes place?
Q30. The blood clotting takes place with the aid of ...................
Q31. Which of the following is not aused by CAD?
Q32. Part of the nephron which acts as a biological filter is ...............
Q33. Which of these is NOT true about a pacemaker?
Q34. Center of several reflexes is ..................
Q35. Increase in the blood glucose level due to fat catabolism results in ......................
Q36. The solution from which water gets lost is called..................
Q37. NOT an antibacterial protein.
Q38. What is an AICD (Automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator)?
Q39. What is a 'biventricular' pacemaker?
Q40. Which of these is NOT true?
Q41. Which of these is NOT true?
Q42. Which of the following is antiretroviral drug?
Q43. Which of the following disease is completely eradicated?
Q44. Which of the following is involved in killing of cancer cells?
Q45. The mature thymocytes are called .......
Q46. Chicken Pox is caused by ..................
Q47. The scientist who segregated first time the germplasm from the somatoplasm in 1890 was
Q48. Which of the following is NOT a component of nutrient?
Q49. Inspiration and expiration together called as ..............
Q50. Mucin is a ..................