Unfortunately, Mr. M. Subramanian, who maintained this website lost his battle to cancer and passed away in July, 2019. The database has over 50,000 questions. If you are interested in purchasing the website/database, please reach out using the form here. Learn TNPSC exam and online pratice


Q1. Who founded Christianity?
Jesus the Christ, founded Christianity around the I century AD. It is the world's largest religion.
Q2. To whom and how was Jesus born?
Born to Mary, a virgin through a miracle of the Holy Spirit, in a cow shed at Bethlehem.
Q3. Who conveyed to Mary that she would give birth to a son of God the Jesus?
Angel Gabriel.
Q4. During whose rule of that land, Jesus born?
Herod The Great.
Q5. What gives a detailed account of Jesus's birth?
Gospel Mathew and Luke.
Q6. What was the profession and language of Jesus?
Carpenter. Language he spoke is Aramaic.
Q7. What does "Christ" means?
Christ means Christos in Greek meaning "The Anointed One".
Q8. How the worshipping place of Christians is called?
Church. Also called Basilica.
Q9. Which is the largest Church/Basilica in the world?
St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, Rome, Italy.
Q10. What is the Holy Book of Christianity?
Q11. What are the two types of editions of Bible?
Old Testament: Hebrew Bible is known so. New Testament: Present Bible in practice.
Q12. What record the Bible holds as a Book?
1456 AD. The first book to be printed mechanically and it was done on a movable type. It was known as Guthenburg Bible printed in German.
Q13. How the old Testament is also known?
Q14. How the New Testament is also called?
New Covenant or Greek Testament.
Q15. Who translated the New Testament into English?
Johnny Wycliffe.
Q16. Which king published the first authorized version of the Bible?
James I of England.
Q17. What is the earliest book of the New Testament?
Q18. How many chapters are there in the New Testament? Which is the longest one of them?
Psalm- the longest.
Q19. Which is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Jesus Wept in John 11:35.
Q20. Who is the religious head of the Christians?
Pope - the governing authority of Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholicism is the largest followed in the various sects of Christianity.
Q21. Of the various sects or groups which is the earliest one to be founded and by whom?
Roman Catholicism - founded by Jesus and his twelve Apostles, in particular St. Peter.
Q22. What is Catholicism?
A monotheistic belief in one God, i.e., Holy Spirit of Jesus.
Q23. What are the various sects or groups in Christianity?
1) Roman Catholics: Who believe in the Holy Spirit of Jesus. 2) Protestant: 3) Pentecostal: 4) Orthodox Christians: 5) Methodists: Followers of the teaching of John Wesley.
Q24. The Pope is considered to be the successor of ................?
St. Peter.
Q25. Pope is also called the ................?
"Vicar of Christ" following the successors of St. Peter the Vicar.
Q26. The Pope is also referred to as ................?
Supreme Pontiff.
Q27. Who was the first Pope?
St. Peter.
Q28. Who was the second Pope and considered to be the I Pope after the Christ period?
Q29. Who is the present Pope?
Pope Benedict XVI - Real name is Joseph Alois Ratzinger from Bavaria, Germany.
Q30. Who was the first English Pope?
Adrian IV - 1154 to 1159. The only English Pope so far.
Q31. Where is Pope headquartered?
Vatican City - A country in status and also the smallest in the world, called Papal State.
Q32. How and when Vatican City was created?
Lateran Treaty, 1929 - Relates to the agreement between the Italian Government and the Papal States by which the Lateran Palace and the St. Peter's Basilica were separated and made into a separate state.
Q33. How the residence of Pope is called?
Lateran Palace.
Q34. How the office of the Pope is called?
Q35. What is the name for the religious dress worn by the Pope?
Papal Cassock.
Q36. What is the name for the big hat worn by Pope?
Q37. What is the name for the staff held by Pope?
Crossier or Crozier.
Q38. How the Pope controlled states are called?
Papal States.
Q39. What is the name for the Ring worn by Pope and why is it called so?
Fisherman's Ring: Worn by the Pope in honor of Saint Peter, a fisherman by trade, which is also used as an authority of seal. It is destroyed immediately after the death of a pope and a fresh ore is prepared.
Q40. Which Pope was nicknamed the "Smiling Pope"?
John Pope I.
Q41. Which Pope is believed to have met and turned away "Attila The Hun" ?
Leo I.
Q42. How the small skull cap worn by Pope and other religious heads is called and how does it differentiate the ranks?
Zuccheto - It is called "Pileolus". The color of it differentiates the rank as below: Pope - White; Cardinal - Red; Bishop - Violet; Priest and Deacons - Black.
Q43. What are Gospels?
Narration of various events in Jesus Christ's life and there on. It also means of Good News.
Q44. How many Gospels are there and what are they?
Four of them. They are:
GOSPEL OF MATHEW: Contains the early life of Christ, up to resurrection.
GOSPEL OF MARK: Early life of Jesus, his discourses, miracles, etc.
GOSPEL OF LUKE : Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Luke was also a physician.
GOSPEL OF JOHN: Jesus' actions and discourses.
Q45. What is the order of Clergy's from Pope?
Pope, Bishop, Arch Deacon, Priests.
Q46. What is a Diocese?
Indicates an area under the administrative control of a Bishop. There are about 2770 of them.
Q47. What is Baptism?
A religious act of purification by water. It is done in three forms.
ASPERSON: Sprinkling water over head.
AFFUSION: Pouring water overhead.
IMMERSION: Lowering the entire body into water.
Q48. Where and who Baptized Jesus?
At the Jordan River by John The Baptist.
Q49. What was John the Baptists message?
"Repeat or Be Damned"
Q50. What was the remark of Mark after Jesus' Baptism?
"Heavens parting and the Holy Spirit descending upon Him". Upon this the voice from the Heavens said, You are my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased".
Q51. What is "Sacrament of Penance"?
Also known as confession. It is a method of freeing an individual from the Sins committed after Baptism. A priest or a bishop alone validly ordained to carry out this sacrament.
Q52. Ten Commandments is an important aspect of Christianity. Who gave it to whom and where?
God gave the ten commandments to Moses in the Mount Sinai in the form of two stone tablets.
Q53. What is Ten Commandments?
It is the list of religious and moral imperatives written by God to be followed by all Christians. They are:
1." I am the LORD Thy God
2.Thou shalt have no other Gods;
3.No graven images or likenesses;
4.Not take the LORD's name in vain;
5.Remember the Sabbath Day;
6.Honour Thy father and Thy mother;
7.Thou shalt not kill;
8.Thou shalt not commit adultery;
9..Thou shalt not bear false witnesses;
10.Thou shalt not covet.
Q54. What is Eucharist?
A feast only a Bishop is validly ordained to consecrate it.
Q55. What is "Anointing of the Sick"?
A priest administers this sacrament to any faithful member who is in danger by illness or old age. Olive oil is generally administered.
Q56. How the congregation and prayer proceedings for a marriage is called?
Nuptial mass.
Q57. What is "Confession" in Christianity?
Conferral of sanctifying grace and the strengthening of the union between individual soul and God.
Q58. What is Beatitudes?
Name for the well known, definitive and beginning portion of the sermon on the mount, of the Gospel of Mathew.
Q59. What is "Messiah" in Christianity?
Means "the anointed one" - Messiah is a Greek Word
Q60. What is "Annunciation"?
It is archangel Gabriel's revelation to Mary that she would conceive a child to be born as the son of God.
Q61. What does 666, the number denote?
It denotes the number of beasts or demons, as mentioned in the book of revelation. (Recall the famous English film "OMEN"in which this number plays an important aspect).
Q62. How the first Book of Moses is called?
Q63. What does the letters INRI, inscribed on the cross of Jesus, mean?
Iesus Nazarenus Rex Ivdaeorum - meaning Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
Q64. How the Ten Commandments is also known?
Q65. What is Canonization in Christianity?
Declaring a diseased person to be a saint.
Q66. What is the central part of a church called?
Q67. What is "Hassock" in a church?
The cushion on which people kneel down while praying in a church.
Q68. What is "Lectern" in a church?
The reading desk.
Q69. Who is a "Pastor" in Christianity?
A minister or priest of a Christian church.
Q70. Who is a "Minister" in Christianity?
A man or a woman who saves a congregation in a service.
Q71. Who are the twelve Apostles of Jesus?
(1) Simon, (2) Andrew, (3) James, (4) John, (5) Phillip, (6) Bartholomew, (7) Thomas, (8) Mathew, (9) James, (10) Simon, (11) Judas, and (12) Jude.
Q72. Who betrayed Jesus Christ?
Judas (Judas Iscariot).
Q73. What was the consideration for which Judas betrayed Jesus Christ?
30 silver coins.
Q74. Who replaced Judas as the Apostle?
Q75. What is known as "The Last Supper"?
The last meal Jesus had at a room in the house of Lazarus, on Mount Zion just outside the old city of Jerusalem.
Q76. Where was Jesus Christ arrested?
At the garden of Gethsemane where he went after the last supper.
Q77. Who presided over the trial and ordered the crucification of Jesus?
Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor.
Q78. Where was Jesus crucified?
Calvary - The place was also called Golgotha - the place of skull.
Q79. After how many days of crucification did Jesus resurrect and made his appearance and to whom?
After 3 days and made his appearance to Mary Magdalena.
Q80. Jesus, in one of his miracles, fed five thousand people with what?
Just five loaves of bread and two fishes.
Q81. Jesus gave a number of sermons from various places. Which one is considered to be the most famous one among them?
Sermon on the mount: a place near sea of Galilee, (known as Lake Tibrias in Bible - now lies in Israel and Jordan) on the hill called Sinai or Zion. The Sermon was given to Moses.
Q82. What is most notable miracle of Jesus?
Raising of Lazarus from death.
Q83. According to Bible, for how many days and nights did Jesus fast?
40 days and 40 nights in a forest which later became the period of Lent (fast) called Easter.
Q84. What is "Mass" related to Roman Catholicism?
It is the congregation of people for prayer in a church headed by a priest.
Q85. When from "Christmas Carol" began?
1410. The first English Christmas Carol comes into practice.
Q86. When is Candle Mass held?
It is the shorter name of "the feast of the presentation of Christ in the temple". It is celebrated on February 2nd.
Q87. According to Bible, how many times "Plague" occurred in Egypt?
Q88. According to Bible, it rained for how many days and nights before the great flood?
40 days and 40 nights.
Q89. "Doubting Thomas" is a term used for a person who doubts everything until he sees, hears or feels. This term has a relation to Christianity. What is it?
It came into use from the action of Thomas the Apostle who doubted the resurrection of Jesus and demanded to feel personally the wounds of Jesus.
Q90. What is Vulgate?
It is a version of Bible.
Q91. What is Palm Sunday?
It is the first day of the Holy week in the Christian Calendar.
Q92. What is Index Librorum Prohibitorum?
Means a list of books banned by Roman Catholic Churches.
Q93. How the Ambassador of a Pope is called?
Q94. What are the two books dedicated to women in the Bible?
Ruth and Esther - Old Testament.
Q95. What is "Advent" in Christianity?
The name for the preparatory season for Christmas.
Q96. Which day is known as Boxing day?
December 26. The days is also celebrated as Saint Stephen's Day.
Q97. What is Ash Wednesday?
The Wednesday on which the seasons of lent (fast) leading to Easter begins. 46 days before Easter.
Q98. What is season of lent?
The period of lent or fasting for 40 days.
Q99. What is Good Friday?
The day on which Jesus was crucified on a cross.
Q100. Jesus had his "last supper" at the ........?
Pass over festival.
Q101. What is "Palm Sunday"?
The Sunday on which Jesus entered Jerusalem.
Q102. Who are "Evangelists"?
The collective name for the writer of the four gospels. Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.
Q103. What is Easter a celebration of?
Celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
Q104. According to Bible who were the first human beings and where did they live?
Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden.
Q105. According to Bible who took on Goliath the Giant?
Q106. Who are the two sons of Adam and Eve?
Cain (Eldest) and Ebel (youngest).
Q107. What is the famous Christian organization which works for revival and growth of Christianity and a charity organization?
Salvation Army - founded by William and Catherine Booth in 1865. Largest fund raising organization.
Q108. What is "Banns of Marriage" in Christianity?
It is a notification announcing the intention of marriage of both parties in their respective churches.
Q109. Who are Christian scientists?
The followers of a religious movement founded in late 1800 by Mary Baker Eddy which stress present perfectibility of God and man and practice spiritual healing.
Q110. What is the importance of Manger Square?
It is a place near "Church of Nativity", where tradition believes that Jesus was born at Bethlehem, now in the disputed land of West Bank.
Q111. What was the "Great Schisms" incident in Christianity?
It was the split between two rival popes gostling for authority - one at Rome and the other at Angon, France.
Q112. Who was the first to be called as Pope?
Q113. According to Bible, where did Samson had his power and who cut it off?
Hair. It was cut off by Delilah.
Q114. Who became India's first ever woman saint?
Sister Alphonse - Kerala - 2008 (posthumously).
Q115. Where are the famous rock-hewn churches of Lalibela?
Q116. According to bible, on what day did God create man?
Q117. Which place in Portugal, a small village, the Shepherd Children claimed to have seen visions of the Virgin Mary, in the sky, in 1917?
Q118. Canaan - a place in Israel has a mention in the Bible. What is it?
Ancient Palestine, before it was occupied by the Jews, referred to in the Bible, as the land promised to the Israelites by God.
Q119. Where Jesus is believed to have performed his first miracle?
Cana - Palestine - North East of Nazareth.
Q120. Where is the largest statue of Jesus Christ?
Cristo Dela Concordia - San Pedro Hill, Cochabamba - Bolivia - 40.44 mtr / 132.7 feet tall including the pedestal.
Q121. Where is "Christ the Redeemer" statue, which is one of the world wonders?
Constructed between 1922-1931 - it is located at about 2300 ft above sea level in Tijuca Forest National Park, Corcovado mountain, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is 39.6 mtr tall and weighs 635 tonnes.
Q122. With which Jewish religious festival does Easter have an original relation to?
Pesach or Pass over.
Q123. What is "Cannonisation" in Christianity?
Declaring a diseased person as a saint.
Q124. What is "Ecomenism" in Christianity?
A movement for unity among Christian churches.
Q125. Where is the "St. Peters" church the stolen?
Q126. Which Pope has canonized the most people?
Pope John Paul II.
Q127. Who is a "Precentor" in Christianity?
A person who directs church singing.
Q128. What are the only two nuts mentioned in the Bible?
Almonds and Pistachio.
Q129. What were the last words spoken by Jesus Christ before crucification?
"Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabea thani" meaning "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me".
Q130. What honour and record Dr. Xavier Lobo Arockiaraj from Mettupatti, Dindugul, Tamilnadu, holds in the administrative affairs of Christianity?
He is the first Asian and Tamilian to serve as chief justice for the Roman Rota (the highest Roman Cahtolic Administrative Body), Vatican. "Rota" here means wheel, because the judges meet in a round room to hear the cases.
Q131. Who was the first Indian to be appointed as "cardinal" by the Vatican?
Valerian Gracias.
Q132. What is a "Sacristy" in a church?
The room where vestments, sacred vessels and parish records are kept.
Q133. Santa Claus is also known as .........?
Father Christmas - Generally; Julemandes - Denmark; Shengdon Laores - China; Pai Natal - Portugal.
Q134. Which is the largest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses?
Psalm - 119.
Q135. Reindeers are the animals accompanying Santa Claus. Three of them have been named. What are they?
Dancer, Dasher and Donner.
Q136. What is the name for the summer residence of Pope?
Castel Gandolfo - On the banks of Lake Albamo.
Q137. What is presented to an Arch Bishop when elevated to the post of Cardinal, by the Pope?
Red Birreta - Three cornered red hat and a ring (cardinal ring).
Q138. The famous "Jingle Bells" was originally known as?
"One horse open sleigh".
Q139. According to the Bible, on which day did God create sea creatures and birds?
Day 5.
Q140. Who introduced the Christmas Tree lights to the Christmas festival?
Edward Johnson - a friend of Thomas Alva Edison in the 1880s.
Q141. Which place in Israel is said to be the site of the "Transfiguration of Christ"
Mount Tabor.
Q142. According to the Bible, on which day did God create Adams?
Q143. Who is recognized as the first Pope?
St. Peter.
Q144. In the Bible who was thrown to the lions because he prayed to God?
Q145. Who was the first to translate Bible into Latin?
Q146. What is the name for the robe worn by priests at mass?
Q147. According to the Bible, how long was Noah's Ark?
300 cubits.
Q148. What is the traditional drink of Christmas festival?
Eggnog - A beverage made with milk, cream, sugar, beaten eggs, and followed with ground cinnamon and nut meg.
Q149. Who was the first Indian Saint?
Ann Muttathu Pandathu.
Q150. Santa Claus is named after which Saint?
St. Nicholas.
Q151. The order of the society of Jesus is better known as .......?
Q152. Who are the first man and woman according to Bible?
Adam and Eve.
Q153. The predominant style of singing used in the Roman Catholic churches during the medieval period was called?
Plain Song.
Q154. What is the name for the head dress of a nun?
Q155. What is the name for the popular Christian Carol?
The twelve days of Christmas.
Q156. Who was the first to introduce Christmas greeting cards commercially?
Sir Harvey Cole, UK.
Q157. Who was the first to broadcast Christmas message to the people?
King George V.
Q158. What is "Wassailing" in Christianity?
Singing carols from house to house or visiting neighbors and receiving goodies.
Q159. Which branch of the Christianity observe January 7th as the Christmas day?
Russian Orthodox Churches, because they still observe the Julian Calendar.
Q160. What are the Christian festivals?
Advent, All Saints Day, Annunciation, Ascension, Ash Wednesday, Christmas, Easter, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Palm Sunday.
Q161. What is "Advent" in Christianity?
Holy season of the Christian churches, marking the arrival of Christmas.
Q162. What is "All Saints Day" in Christianity?
A feast in honor to all saints known or unknown marked with prayers.
Q163. "All Souls Day" in Christianity is celebrated for?
Prayers to make the souls to rest in peace held on November 2nd.
Q164. What is "Annunciation" in Christianity?
It is to mark the revelation of Gabriel the Angel to Mary that she would conceive a child of messenger of God. That is why, it is held on March 25, nine months before December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ. Church of Annunciation in Nazareth, Israel is the traditional location of this celebration.
Q165. What is "Ascension" in Christianity?
Jesus' ascension day to the Heaven, held on Thursday in the 6th week following Easter Sunday.
Q166. What is "Ash Wednesday" in Christianity?
It is the first/beginning day of fast for 40 days. May occur on day Wednesday between 4th February to March 10. Marking the forehead with Ash Cross is a practice.
Q167. How the birth day of Christ Jesus is known?
Christmas - December 25. The most important festival of Christians.
Q168. What is "Easter" a celebration of Christians?
A celebration to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus. Commencing from Ash Wednesday. For 40 days, Christians observe fast, excepting Sundays, along with regular prayers.
Q169. What is "Maundy Thursday" of Christianity?
It is the feast or holyday on Thursday before Easter, that commemorate the last supper of Jesus Christ, with the Apostles.
Q170. What is "Good Friday" for Christmas?
The following day of "Maundy Thursday". The Friday, on which Jesus was crucified.
Q171. What is "Palm Sunday" for Christians?
It is the Sunday before the Easter, marking the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem before the period of passion. People carry palms in the form of a cross and hold prayer. The palms thus collected are later burnt and the ashes are used for Ash Wednesday.