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Q1. What is Hydrosphere?
The collective mass of water found on, under and over the surface of a planet.
Q2. How much of the Earth's surface is covered by Hydrosphere (water)?
Two third.
Q3. What is the approximate total area of hydrosphere on the surface of earth?
Estimated to be 14,60,000 Cubic Km.
Q4. How much of the Hydrosphere is covered by oceans and seas?
Q5. How much of the Hydrosphere is covered by fresh water?
Q6. Of the Hydrosphere, which body of water, covers the maximum area?
Pacific Ocean - covers 35% of the earth's surface that is about 166240000 SQKM.
Q7. What is the average depth of the Hydrosphere?
3.5 Kms.
Q8. What is the unit of measurement of depth of water?
Fathom = 5.90 feet = 1.8 meters.
Q9. What are all the various Oceans and Seas?
1. Pacific -- largest -- 165.25 million square kilometres -- covers 46% of the world's  surface.
2. Atlantic -- second largest -- 160.46 million square kilometres -- 20% of the world's surface.
3. Indian --  third largest -- 70.56 million square kilometres -- approximately 20% of the world's water surface. 
4. Arctic -- 
Seas: They form part of the oceans. They are
1. Arabian,
3. Red,
4. South China,
5. White,
6. Dead,
7.Baltic and
8. Caspian.
Q10. Where is the deepest point in the Hydrosphere/Ocean?
Challenger Deep - Pacific Ocean - Also called as Mariana Trench. It is about 10924 Mts deep - lies in Philippine waters.
Q11. What is Catchment?
The areas where rainfall is very heavy and from where the rivers or other water bodies like lakes getting their supplies.
Q12. What is a Confluence?
Point or place where two or more rivers meet. Eg: The Sangamam or confluence of Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati meet in Allahabad. It is a famous Hindu pilgrimage point.
Q13. What is a Corrosion?
The wearing away of river bed by the abrasive action of solid materials.
Q14. What is a Creek?
A small stream, or/and a small inlet or tidal estuary of a river.
Q15. What is a Dam?
A masonry barrier built across a river to block and control the flow of water to facilitate storage, distribution, and also for production of electricity (Hydro electric).
Q16. What is a Delta?
A triangular tract of land formed by the accumulation of silt at the mouth of a river entering the sea. Eg: Sunderban Delta formed by the Ganges and Brahmaputra - 75000 SQKM - the largest delta in the world.
Q17. What is an "Acqueduct"?
An artificial canal that is constructed to convey water from one place to another mostly for irrigation or to prevent flooding of a lower region.
Q18. What is Evaporation?
Process by which atoms or molecules in a liquid state gain sufficient energy to enter the gaseous state. The process is exclusively a surface phenomena and not to be confused with "boiling".
Q19. What are Tidal Bores and where do they occur regularly?
Tidal bore is produced when a strong tidal current meets a strong river current. Usually occurs in funnel shaped river mouths where there is a strong downward current met by a strong upward tidal current from sea.
Q20. What is Water Cycle?
The movement of water around, over and through the earth.
Q21. What is a Weir?
A small overflow type dam commonly used to raise the level of a river/stream.
Q22. What is a Bund?
An artificial embankment, dyke or dam.
Q23. What is Spa?
A Spa is a place where mineral water springs are found. Belgium is famous for such mineral water springs.
Q24. What is a Spring?
Occurs where layers of porous rock lie over layers of impervious rock. Rain water sinks through the porous rock until it reaches the impervious layer, flows along the surface of this layer until it reappears at the ground level as spring.
Q25. What is Water Table?
The margin of the Earth below which the layers of soil are saturated with water.
Q26. What is Break Water?
A natural barrier built into the sea which protects the harbour and the shore against the violent onslaught of the waves.