Unfortunately, Mr. M. Subramanian, who maintained this website lost his battle to cancer and passed away in July, 2019. The database has over 50,000 questions. If you are interested in purchasing the website/database, please reach out using the form here. Learn TNPSC exam and online pratice


Q1. What is Appendectomy?
Surgical removal of inflamed appendix from the abdomen. Appendix is a small baggy tissue projecting out of the large intestine.
Q2. What is Cryosurgery?
A surgical technique of destroying a tissue by extreme cold. Liquid air or liquid nitrogen is used as the medium.
Q3. What is Cystoscopy?
The technique of examining the inside of the urinary bladder using Cystoscope.
Q4. What is Dialysis?
A method of removing waste products from the blood using a special membrane which allows water and waste products to pass through but retains blood cells and proteins. The process is used during kidney failures.
Q5. What is Diathermy?
A technique of generating heat in a tissue by means of a high frequency electric current, used as a pain reliever, in muscular pains.
Q6. What is Enterostomy?
A surgical way of making an artificial opening in the intestines for treatment of ulcers.
Q7. What is Gastrectomy?
Surgical removal of the stomach or part of it in the treatment of tumours or ulcers in the stomach.
Q8. What is Hypothermia?
A technique to lower the temperature to reduce the body's requirement of oxygen during extended surgery of the brain or heart.
Q9. What is Hysterectomy?
Surgical removal of the uterus or womb in a woman.
Q10. What is Laparoscopy?
Examination of the abdominal cavity using an optical instrument called Laparoscope. The instrument is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a small incision in the abdomen.
Q11. What is Lumber Puncture?
A technique of obtaining a specimen of the cerebrospinal fluid by inserting a long needle between two vetebrae in the lower spine. Used for the diagnosis of meningitis and other brain or spinal chord disorders.
Q12. What is Nephrectomy?
Surgical removal of a decreased or damaged kidney.
Q13. What is Oopherectomy?
Surgical removal of a diseased ovary or the one with a tumour or surgery.
Q14. What is Venipuncture?
The puncturing of a vein to inject a drug, blood or other fluids into the vein or to obtain a blood sample for clinical examination.
Q15. What is bone marrow transplantation?
A donor's bone marrow is removed from the pelvic bone and infused into the receipients arm. It is done to treat certain blood related diseases like leukaemia and aplastic anaemia. Success rate is about 60% in case of acute leukaemia in children.
Q16. What is Lithotomy?
Medical term for surgical removal of stone from the bladder.
Q17. What is "Tissue Culture"?
Preparation of the fragments of the cells of an organism for biochemical analysis.
Q18. What is "Laprotomy"?
An incision into the abdomen.
Q19. What is "Biopsy"?
Clinical examination of tissue.
Q20. What test is conducted for confirming AIDS?
Elisa Test (ELISA - Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay)
Q21. What is "Oral Brush Biopsy"?
A technique for early detection and prevention of oral cancer. Dr. Mark Rutenburg has pioneered the technique.
Q22. What is "Thalassotherapy"?
A kind of treatment by warm sea water, weeds and mud. The treatment includes hydromassage in sea water and heated sea water pools.
Q23. What technique is used for testing color blindness?
Ishihara Plates : A book or catalogue containing paper with numbers or letters printed in dots in different color combinations.
Q24. What is Androtomy?
Dissection of human body.
Q25. What is Alexander Method / Technique?
A method of correcting established bad habits of posture, breathing and muscular tension, as per the founder, are the causes of illness.
Q26. What is Thorocotomy?
A surgical method into the lungs.
Q27. Who first discovered viruses?
Martinus Willem Beijernick.
Q28. What does "Virus" mean?
Q29. Bacteriophages are ...?
Virus which infect bacteria.
Q30. What is known as "Shock treatment"?
Electro Convulsive Therapy.
Q31. What is the most effective test to determine AIDS?
Western Blot Test.
Q32. What is a "beta-blocker" used for?
Reducing blood pressure.
Q33. What procedure is used for X-ray study of breast cancer?
Q34. What is Kareto Plasty?
Cornea Transplantation.
Q35. What is Cosmetic Surgery?
A medical way of correcting certain muscles or skeletal deformities, mostly in the face like cleft lips, nose etc.
Q36. For what disease chemotherapy is applied and who introduced the same?
Cancer - Paul Ehrlich.
Q37. Sackett's method is used for what?
To determine the cholestral level.
Q38. What should not be used to treat people with phobias?
Q39. What is "Bats method"?
An alternative therapy aimed at improving the eye sight.
Q40. "The Schik Test" is conducted for ?
Detecting Diptheria.
Q41. What is "Prosthesin"?
Artificial replacement of a limb.
Q42. What is "Sonotherapy" a treatment of?
Music therapy.