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ADAM'S APPLE: The bulge at the front of the neck formed by thyroid cartilage which is attached to the front of the Larynx (Voice box). It is more prominent and larger in males than in females because the male larynx is larger in order to accommodate the larger vocal cords.
ADRENOIDS: Enlarged mass of lymphoid tissue in the Maso-Pharynx which can obstruct breathing and even interfere with hearing. Along with tonsils they leave the purpose of preventing the entry of germs into the respiratory system.
ADRENALS: Ductless glands located above the kidneys.
ALIMENTARY CANAL: The digestive tract from mouth to anus.
ANTERIOR: The front of the body or body part.
ANATOMICAL POSITION: Standing erect, facing the observer, facing the observer, arms are at the sides with palms facing forward.
AORTA: The largest artery in the body, emerging from the left ventricle of the heart and distributes purified blood throughout the body.
AQUEOUS HUMOUR: The transparent fluid of the anterior chamber of the eye.
APPENDICITIS: A pouch like tissue projecting out of large intestine.
AURICLE: The two upper chambers of the heart that receives impure blood through the veins. Also pinna of the external ear.
BCG: Bacillus Calmette Guerin.
BILE JUICE: The alkaline juice secreted by the liver into the duodenum.
BLOOD COUNT: The calculation of the number of red and white cells, in a cubic millimetre of blood. A haemocytometer is used to check the blood count.
BLOOD BANK: A place for storing whole or plasma which is preserved under strict clinical condition.
BLOOD PRESSURE: The pressure exerted by blood on the blood vessels; measured in millimeters of mercury on a sphygmomanometer.
BLOOD SERUM: The fluid seen when blood clots. It consists of plasma minus the clotting agent.
BLOOD SUGAR: The amount of Glucose in the blood.
BLOOD UREA: The amount of urea (end product of protein metabolism) in the blood within a normal range.
CHOLESTEROL: Fat - An important cause of the hardening of the arteries.
CAD: Coronary Artery Disease.
CARDIAC: Pertaining to the heart.
CARPOPEDAL: Pertaining to the hands and feet.
CEREBELLUM: A part of the brain located below and behind the cerebrum which controls muscular activities and equilibrium of the body.
CEREBRUM: The largest part of the brain whichis the centre of intelligence, coordination, memory, will, etc.
COAGULASE: An enzyme which clots plasma. Eg: Rennin Thrombin.
COAGULATION: The curdling of blood or the formation of a clot in the blood.
CORPUSCLE: A microscopic mass of protoplasm Eg: Erythrocytes and Leukocytes.
DERMIS: The true skin, the layer belows the epidermis.
DIASTOLE: The relaxation period of the cardiac cycle.
DISTAL: Farther away from the torso.
DORSAL: Pertaining to the back or posterior part of the body or organ.
EJACULATORY TUBES: The two fine tubes, one on either side connecting at the union of the seminal vesicle.
ECG: Electro Cardio Gram.
ERYTHROCITES: Red Blood Cells.
FALLOPIAN TUBES: The two tubes opening out of the upper part of the uterus that connect the vagina to the ovaries. Each measures 10-16 cm. They carry the ova into the ovaries.
GALL BLADDER: A pouch situated at the lower border of the liver for storage of bile juice.HALUX: Big Toe.
HAEMOGLOBIN: The red pigment of the blood that contain oxygen.
HYPERTENSION: Abnormally high tension, alluding to blood pressure and involving systolic and diastolic levels. A resisting systolic pressure of 160 mm mercury and a resisting diastolic pressure of 100 mm mercury, indicates hypertension.
HYPOTENSION: Low blood pressure. Systolic below 110 mm mercury and diastolic below 70 mm mercury.
INFERIOR: Away from the head.
LATERAL: To the side away from the mid line.
LIGAMENTS: A band or sheet of fibrous tissue that connects two or more bones.
LIPIDS: Fats - Constituent of blood.
LARYNX: Voice Box.
MEDIAL: Toward the middle that divides left and right.
MEDULLA OBLONGATA: The upper part of the spinal cord between the foramen magnum of the occipital bone and the pons cerebri - the lower most part of the brain which connects the spinal cord to the brain.
POSTERIOR: The back of the body or body part.
PROXIMAL: Closer to the torso.
PULMONARY ARTERY: The artery carrying impure blood from the heart to the lungs. The only artery carrying impure blood as all other arteries carry pure blood.
REFLEX ACTION: An involuntary motor or secretory response by tissue to a sensory stimulus. Eg: Snoozing, Coughing, blinking etc.
SPINAL CORD: The continuation of the medulla oblongota, enclosed in the spinal cord controls reflex actions and communicates messages between the brain and the body.
SUPERIOR: Towards the head.
SYSTOLE: The contraction of the cardiac cycle or contraction of the heart.
TENDON: A fibrous cord or band connecting muscles to a bone.
UTERUS: A reproductive organ also called womb.
UMBLICAL CHORD: A tubular chord connecting the foetus (child) and the mother through which food and nutrition supplied to the child.
VENTRICLE: The two lower chambers of the heart from which purified blood flows out through arteries.
VENTRAL CHAMBER: The belly of the body composed of two main cavities, the thorax (which contains heart, lungs) and the abdomen (which contains digestive, excretory and reproductive organs) separated by the diaphragm.
VITREOUS HUMOUR: The transparent fluid in the posterior chamber of the eye.
VARICELLA: Chicken Pox.