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Q1. What is an Era?
An event or date that mark the beginning of a new period in the history of something.
Q2. What are the four Geological Eras?

1. Pre Cambrian

2. Palezoic

3. Mesozoic     and

4. Cenozoic.

Q3. What is the longest of the four Eras?
Pre Cambrian Era.
Q4. Origin of the Earth is attributed to which Era?
Pre Cambrian Era - some 4600 million years ago, including the crusts and continents.
Q5. Formation of atmosphere took place during which Era?
Pre Cambrian Era.
Q6. Origin of life occurred about?
3300 million years ago during Pre Cambrian Era.
Q7. Pre Cambrian Era lasted up to how many million years ago?
570 million years ago.
Q8. What is the second in the order of the four Eras?
Palezoic Era.
Q9. Palezoic Era is divided into how many time periods?

Six - 1. Cambrian 2. Ordovician 3. Silurian 4. Devonian 5. Carboniferous and 6. Permian.

Q10. What is the period of Palezoic Era?
570 to 225 million years ago.
Q11. What are the events that are believed to have occurred during Palezoic Era?

1. Life comes ashore

2. Caledonian Mountains rise     and

3. Central European mountains comes up.

Q12. What is the third era in the order of the Ears?
Mesozoic Era.
Q13. What is the period of Mesozoic Era?
Started 225 million years ago and ended 65 million years ago.
Q14. Mesozoic Era is divided into how many periods?

1. Triassic    2. Jurrasic   and   3. Cretaceous.

Q15. What are the events that are believed to have occurred during Mesozoic Era?

1. Ural Mountains rising

2. Panagea breaking up

3. North and South Atlantic opening up    and

4. India splitting from Antarctica some 100 million years ago.

Q16. Which is the last of the order of Eras?
Cenozoic Era started 65 million years ago.
Q17. Into how many periods the Cenozoic Era has been divided?

Two --  1. Tertiary     2. Quatenary.

Q18. The two cenozoic periods have been further sub divided into how many epochs?

Epoch: means the beginning of a new and important period in the history of anything. The two periods of the cenozoic period has been divided into:

1. Tertiary Period:
1. Palocene
2. Eocene
3. Oligocene
4. Micocene and
5. Pliocene.
2. Quatenary Period:
1. Pleistocene and
2. Holocene.

Q19. From how many years ago, the Holocene Epoch has started?
Some 15000 years ago.
Q20. What is the present geological time?
Cenozoic Era, Quatenary Period and Holocene Epoch.
Q21. What is the order of development of human beings?

1. Homo Habilis - in two stages.    2. Homo Erectus     3. Homo Sapiens - the present day human beings.

Q22. Which continent is attributed to the evolution of human being from Hominids?
Q23. To which Hominid Evolution, the modern day human belong to?
Homo Sapiens.
Q24. Who are Nomads?
People who move from place to place and do not have a permanent settlement.
Q25. Who are Aborigines?
Native people, who are yet to join the main streamline of people and are living in the forests of Australia.
Q26. What does "Azoic" mean?
Means "without life". Refers to the earliest part of the Pre Cambrian Era when there was no animal life on earth.
Q27. To which ear one would attribute the evolution of everything, like the flora and fauna, the continents, the solar system and everything else to occur?
Pre Cambrian Era.
Q28. Who was the first to develop the "Evolution Theory"?
Charles Darwin - while on a voyage on a ship called "The Beagle". He has done most of his works on the Galapagos Island.
Q29. Which prehistoric period followed the stone age and preceded the Iron Age?
Bronze Age.
Q30. What is the name for the current geological epoch?
Q31. What is Pangaea?
The unbroken single land mass before the occurrence of the continental drifting.
Q32. What is Panthalassa?
One single water body that encompassed the Pangaea (the undivided water mass)