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Q1. What is Cartography?
A technical term for mapping.
Q2. Who was the first to give geographical studies, a mathematical basis?

ERASTOTHENES Greek astronomer. He made the first attempt to give geographical basis, like, scientific estimation of the circumference of the earth during 275 to 195 BCE. He was able to calculate the circumference of the earth by .5% accuracy, by calculating the shadows on different parts of the earth at a given time.

Q3. Who was the first to use the word Geography?
Erastothenes a Greek Astronomer.
Q4. Who was the first to depict "spherical" earth on a map?
Claudius Ptolemy 90 to 164 AD.
Q5. What was the projection used by Ptolemy to depict Earth on a map in spherical form?
Perspective Projection Technique.
Q6. What was the book written by Ptolemy, which is used as a prototype for modern mapping and Geographic information?
Q7. Which type of projection is widely used and who developed it?
Mercator Projection - developed by Gerardus Mercator of Belgium in...........
Q8. What was the special feature incorporated by Gerardus Mercator in the construction of maps?
He was the first to put "longitude" and "latitude" lines on maps. He was the author of world atlas.
Q9. Who was the first to publish a modern Atlas?
Abraham Artelius of Antwerp in 1570. It was called Theatrum Orbit Terrarum.
Q10. Which projection method is used for preparing aeronautical charts?
Lambert Conformal Conic Projection.
Q11. What is Zenythical Projection?
A method adopted to construct equal area or equidistance maps. An equal area projection is shown as a polar projection. Here, concentric parallels are drawn with one of the poles at the center and Meridians, as straight lines covering at the given pole.
Q12. What are Longitudes?
The longitudes are vertical lines drawn west to east. The longitude of a place measured as an angle can be defined as its distance east or west of the meridian of Greenwich. There are 360 equal divisions or degrees with Greenwich, London being the 0 degree.
Q13. What is a Meridian?
Is a line of longitude; an arc or a half circle of the earth's surface from the north pole to the south pole. The meridian that passes through Greenwich, London has been internationally accepted as 0 degree meridian.
Q14. What is Prime Meridian?
The 0 degree meridian which passes through Greenwich, London is called so. It is also called Greenwich Meridian.
Q15. What is True North?
It is a Geographic Meridian. Although a compass is used to find the true north, it points somewhat east or west of true north at most places due to the magnetic declination of the earth.
Q16. What is Isobath?
A line drawn on a map joining all places of equal depth of sea level.
Q17. What are Isobars?
Lines drawn on a map joining all places of equal atmospheric pressure, at a particular time or on a given day.
Q18. What is an Isohel?
A line on a map joining places having equal duration of sunshine.
Q19. What is an Isohyte?
A line drawn on a map joining places receiving equal amount of rainfall over a certain period.
Q20. What is an Isohaline?
A line drawn on a map joining places on a sea or ocean having equal salinity.
Q21. What is an Isoneph?
A line on a map joining places receiving equal average cloudiness over a certain period.
Q22. What are Isoseismic Lines?
A line on a map joining places receiving or experiencing equal intensity of shock of an earthquake.
Q23. What are Isotherm?
The line drawn on a map to join places experiencing the same temperature at a particular time or over a particular period.
Q24. What are Isogonic Lines?
A line drawn on a map joining places of equal magnetic declination.
Q25. What is Isostasy?
The state of balance or equilibrium that is said to exist between highlands and low lands of the earth due to difference in the density of their respective rock material.
Q26. What is the Universal custom of drawing a map?
North at the top and East to the right of the map.
Q27. What is Kangnido?
It is a map of the world made in Korea in 1402.
Q28. What does "Mappo Mundi" mean?
A general term used to describe medieval European maps of the world, made by Juan De La Cosa of Spain.
Q29. Which map mentioned the term "America" for the first time?
Martin Waldsee Muller's world map of 1507.
Q30. Who introduced the proper map referencing system and map projection?
Gerhardus Mercator (1512-1594). His first map of Europe was published in 1554.
Q31. Which is the oldest known world map of the 6th Century BCE ?
Imago Mundi - a Babylonian map.
Q32. Who is credited with having created the first map of the world?
Anaxi Mander of Greece.
Q33. What is a Cartogram?
A map in which area is not preserved. Instead another thematic variable like travel time, Gross National Product etc., is substituted for land area.
Q34. What is a Contour Map?
It is a map, connecting points where the function has a same particularvalue through variable curves.
Q35. What are the famous websites on mapes?
Mapquest, Google Maps, Google Earth and Yahoo maps.
Q36. What is an Atlas?
It is a collection of maps or manifolds, traditionally bound into book form, featuring political boundaries, Geopolitical, social, religious and economicstatistics.
Q37. Who was the first to publish an Atlas?
Abraham Ortelius of Antwerp in 1570.
Q38. Who made the world famous Miller Atlas?
Lopo Homem, Pedko Reinel and Jorge Reinel of Portugal.
Q39. What is Graticule?
The network of meridians and parallels (lines of latitudes) drawn on a map.
Q40. What are Doldrums?
The windless areas near the Equator.
Q41. What is the Axis of the Earth?
An imaginary line through the Earth, around which the Earth spins/rotates once in 24 hours. The axis runs from North to South Pole. It is inclined to the places at an angle of 23.5 degree.
Q42. What is Tropic of Cancer?
A line of latitude at 23 degree 32' north of the equator when the sun shines directly overhead on June 21. It marks the northern boundary of the Tropical zone.
Q43. What is Tropic of Capricorn?
A line of latitude at 23. degree 32' south of the equator where the sun shines directly over head on December 21. It marks the southern boundary of the Tropical Zone.
Q44. What are Contour lines?
A line on a map that joins all places of the same height above sea level.
Q45. What are Co-tidinal lines?
A line that joins places where a tidal wave reaches at the same time.
Q46. What is an Equator?
An imaginary horizontal line, passing round the globe mid way, equidistant from the North and South Pole, dividing the Earth into two halves - Hemispheres - North and South.
Q47. Equator Passes through which countries?
Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, Gabon, Congo, DR Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Somalia, Sumatra and Borneo of Indonesia.
Q48. What is the length of day and night at Equator?
Equal throughout the year. Sun rises at 6 AM and sets at 6 PM.
Q49. What are Horse Latitudes?
They are sub-tropical high pressure zones circling the Earth around latitudes 30 degree to 35 degree North and South, located mostly over oceans.
Q50. What are Latitudes?
Is an angular distance in degrees north or south of the Equator. They are drawn parallel to the Equator horizontally, hence the length of a degree of latitude is same everywhere. Also called the "parallels of latitude". The latitude of a place is measured in angles.
Q51. What is the longest line of latitude?
Q52. Latitude helps in locating?
Places in terms of South or North.
Q53. Longitude helps in locating?
Places in terms of East or West.
Q54. Lines of Latitudes are called?
Q55. Lines of Longitudes are called?