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Q1. What is a Cape?
The extreme end of a land mass that juts out into the sea.
Q2. Where is Cape of Good Hope?
The extreme end of African land mass in the south meeting the Atlantic Ocean.
Q3. What was the earlier name of Cape of Good Hope and who named it?
CAPE OF STORMS - named by Bartholomew Dias, the first explorer to reach here.
Q4. Who named Cape of Storms as Cape of Good Hope?
King John II of Portugal.
Q5. Who was the first to reach Cape of Good Hope?
Bartholomew Dias, Portuguese - in 1488.
Q6. What are the memoirs erected here in Cape of Good Hope and in memory of which famous explorers?
DIAS CROSS in memory of Bartholomew Dias and DAGAMA CROSS in Memory of Vasco Da Gama.
Q7. Where is Cape Wrath?
Lies at the north westerly point of island of Great Britain, coming under Scotland.
Q8. Where is Cape Horn?
The southernmost point of South America. Named after the Dutch city of Hoorn by the Dutch East India Co.,
Q9. Where is Cape of Agulhas?
It is the southernmost point of Southern Africa. Defined as the Hydrographic dividing point of Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It is called the Cape of Needles.
Q10. Where is Cape Comorin and what is its importance?
Lies at the confluence of the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. It is the southernmost point of India, located at Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, India.
Q11. Where is Cape of Cornwall?
A small headland in Cornwall, England. It is the point at which the Atlantic current splits.
Q12. Where is Cape Cod and who discovered it?
It is in east Massachusettes, USA discovered by Bartholomew Gosnald, a British navigator.