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Q1. Who founded the Zoroastrianism ?
Zoroaster/Zarathustra/Zartosht - all the same born in Medea, Iran - around 500 BC.
Q2. What is Zoroastrianism?
A religion based on the philosophies of Zoroaster or Zarathustra or Zartosht.
Q3. What is the Universal God of Zoroastrianism or Mazdaism?
Ahura Mazda.
Q4. What is then Mazdaism?
It is a sect of Zoroastrianism, that acknowledges the divine authority of Ahura Mazda, proclaimed by Zoraster.
Q5. What is the Holy book of Zoroastrians ?
Zend Avesta - written originally in Din Dabireh script. It has two divisions (1) Liturgical, (2) General.
Q6. What is Gotha and Khordesh Avesta?
GOTHA : Sacred text believed to have been composed by Zarathushtra.
KHORDESH AVESTA: A collection of daily prayers, taken from the Avesta.
Q7. What is Ahuna Vairya?
The most of the various prayers, a summation of the belief in Ahura Mazda.
Q8. Zoroastrianism is mostly prevalent in .......?
Iran and N.W.India.
Q9. How the Zoroastrians are known in India?
Q10. Mention a few famous Zoroastrian families of India?
Tata, Bajaj, Wadia, the famous industrialist family.
Q11. What is Kushti or Kusti worn by Zoroastrians?
The sacred girdle worn by Zoroastrians around their waists, made of 72 fine, white and woolen threads representing the 72 chapters of "Yasna" the liturgical part of Avesta.
Q12. What is "Sedreh" worn by Zorostrians?
A form of shirt worn by Zoroastrians, along with Kusti forming the ritual dress.
Q13. What is Farvashi in Zorostrianism?
The guardian spirit of an individual, who sends out the soul, into the material world, to fight the evil.
Q14. What is the place of worship of Zorostrians?
Fire Temple.
Q15. What is "Navjote" a ritual among Zorostrians?
A ritual also known as "Sedreh Pushti". It is of inducting an individual into the religion. An investiture ceremony where an individual is blessed to adorn the Sedreh and Kusti, the religious garments. In India, who has not had the Navjote, is not permitted to enter the "Fire Temple".
Q16. What is the unique practice of disposing of the dead by Zorostrians?
Unlike in other religions where the dead are either buried or burnt, the Zoroastrians leave the dead bodies in open at a scheduled private place to allow the birds to feed on it. The structure will be an elevated one.
Q17. What is the name of the place where the dead bodies are disposed of in open?
Tower of Silence: A circular raised structure.
Q18. How the skeletal remains of the dead or disposed?
Ossuary: A chest, building, well or site, made to serve as the final resting place of human skeletal remains.
Q19. How the New Year of Parsis is called?
Jamshed E Navroz (Navrouz).
Q20. How the Birthday of Prophet Zarathushtra observed?
Khorad Sal.
Q21. What are Humatha, Hukatha and Huvershta?
Humatha - Good Words; Hukatha - Good Deeds;Huvershta - Good Action.