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Q1. What is a Plateau?
A flat topped expanse of elevated land produced by radial or vertical movement of Earth's crust.
Q2. What is a dissected Plateau?
A worn out plateau.
Q3. What is a Table Land?
Plateau bordered by a cliff is called so.
Q4. What is a Piedmont Plateau?
A plateau situated between a mountain range and a plain or sea.
Q5. What is a Continental Plateau?
It is a table land or flattened hill rising abruptly from low lands or sea.
Q6. What are the Plateaus of India?

1. CHOTA NAGPUR - East India. Mainly over Jharkhand and parts of Orissa, Bihar and Chhatisgarh - 65000 SQKM area - Coal deposits are abundant - Deciduous forest covers large area.

2. DECCAN - Encompassed by West and Eastern Ghats, Vindhyas and Satpura range, covering Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

3. MYSORE -- South Karnataka Plateau covering Bangalore, Hassan, Kodagu, Kolar, Mandya and Tumkur districts.