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Q1. What are Muscles?
Tissues attached to the bones, composed of fibres, with 10,000 kms of blood vessels and 100 joints.
Q2. What are the functions of muscles?
They are capable of contracting and expanding which helps in body movement.
Q3. How many muscles are there in the body?
About 630 important muscles. Total 639.
Q4. Muscles cover approximately how much of body weight?
40 to 50% approximately.
Q5. What is the major constituent of muscles?
Water constittes about 70% of body tissues (45 litres).
Q6. Which is the largest muscle in the body?
Buttock muscle (Gluteus Maximum)
Q7. Which is the longest muscle in the body?
Sartorius - also called Tailor's muscle - is the longest muscle, running from the upper hip bone to the shin of the leg.
Q8. Which is the smallest muscle in the body?
Stapedivs - It is in the middle of the ear. It is just about 0.127 cm long. In the ear there is a small tissue which gets no blood supply.
Q9. Which is the strongest muscle in the body?
Masseters - Jaws.
Q10. Which muscle never tires?
Heart muscles. It beats almost one lack times a day.
Q11. What are involuntary muscles?
Muscles that cannot be consciously controlled. Eg. Heart muscles.
Q12. What is the unit of muscle fibre?
Q13. What are the two types of proteins rich in muscle fibre?
Actin and Myocin.
Q14. What is Tendon?
Strong muscular cord connecting muscles to the bones.
Q15. How many muscles are used for smiling and frowning?
Smiling = 17; Frowning = 42. So Better keep smiling.
Q16. The muscle wall which divides the thoracic and abdomen is called?
Q17. What is essential for the building of new tissues?
Q18. What holds the bones together?
Q19. What normal activity in the eye is caused by the muscle "Orbicularis Oculi"?
Closing of eyes.
Q20. How the muscles are broadly classified?
Skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
Q21. Which branch of medical study is concerned with the structure and disease of muscles?
Q22. Where is the Dectoral muscle?