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Q1. How much of the Earth is covered by rocks and soils - the landed area?
One third.
Q2. What are the types of rocks?

1. Igneous rocks      2. Sedimentary rocks   and   3. Metamorphic rocks.

Q3. What are Igneous rocks?
Rocks formed by the molten magna - solidification from the interior of the Earth.
Q4. How much of the Earth is made up of Igneous rocks?
Q5. Igneous rocks are also called as?
Primary rocks - as other rocks originate from them.
Q6. What are the various Igneous rocks?
Granite - Major continental rocks. Basalt - found on the ocean beds.Volcanic - formed by the solidification of lava ejected from volcanoes.
Q7. What is the name for the rocks on the sea bed?
Q8. Volcanic rocks are formed by?
Solidification of lava ejected from volcanoes.
Q9. Which type of rocks are most present on the crust of the Earth?
Q10. What are Sedimentary rocks?
Formed from sediments deposits on the ocean beds.
Q11. How much does the sedimentary rocks represent of the Earth's surface?
Accounts for only 5% of the Earth's surface but covers about 75% of total land mass
Q12. What is the composition of the sedimentary rocks?
Made up of weathered remains of the Igneous rocks, containing organicmatter from the remains of marine organisms.
Q13. How else the sedimentary rocks are called?
STRATIFIED ROCKS because they form in horizontal layers.
Q14. How much time does the sedimentary rocks take to form?
Millions of years to harden into rocks.
Q15. What are the examples of Sedimentary rocks?

1. Gypsum    2. Chalk    3. Limestone    4. Peat    5. Lignite    6. Bituminous CoalAntracite    7. Gravels    8. Pebbles   9. Shingle   10. Sandstone    11. Clay    12. Clay Stone.

Q16. How does the Gypsum, Chalk and Limestone form?
Formed by deposition created by chemical action or sedimentation.
Q17. How does the Peat, Lignite and Bituminous Coal Antracite form?
Formed by organic matter or marine remains.
Q18. How does the gravels, pebbles, Shingles, sand stone, clay and clay stone form?
Formed by the deposition of sediments in water.
Q19. What is Metamorphism?
Change in the structure of rocks under pressure, heat et., which turns Limestone into marble, granites into Gneiss (coarse grained granite like rock) formed of layers of feldspar, quartz, mica etc.
Q20. What are Metamorphic rocks?
Original Igneous rocks or sedimentary rocks becoming metamorphic, due to pressure, intense temperature or by the reaction of water and chemical presence.
Q21. Give a few examples of Metamorphic rocks and how do they form?

SLATE: formed by compression of sedimentary rocks like Shale, and mud stone.

GNEISS: formed by metamorphosis of igneous rocks like Granite.

QUARTZITE: Formed from sedimentary rocks like Sandstone.

MARBLE: Sedimentary rock like Limestone turns into Marble under extreme heat.

Q22. What is Soil and how do they form?
Powdery form of earth, a combination of rock, minerals, fragments caused by weathering due to wind, rain, sun, snow, etc., and contains organic matters.
Q23. What is Top Soil?
The uppermost layer of soil, usually the top 15 to 20 cms having the highestConcentration of organic matter and microorganisms. Plants concentrate their roots here and obtain most of their nutrients.
Q24. What is Alluvial Soil?
Soil or sediments deposited by a river or other running water. Made up of variety of materials including fine particles of silt, clay and large parts of gravel and sand.
Q25. What is Black Soil?
Also called Muck. Made up of primarily Humus (Organic matter) from drained swamp land.
Q26. What is Alluvium?
The fine sand or silt brought down by rivers and deposited in river beds or banks.
Q27. What are Sands and how do they form?
Tiny granular particles of rocks etc., formed by the collision of rocks in movement between them caused by river movement or other modes.
Q28. What is Bed Rock?
Solid unweathered rock lying beneath the soil and subsoil. A term forSolid rock.
Q29. What is Graphite?
A soft mineral consisting of form of carbon.
Q30. What is Laterite?
A reddish porous rock produced by weathering, found mainly in humid Tropical regions like India, Indonesia, Sudan and South Americ
Q31. Laterite is mostly used in the manufacture of?
Q32. Which type of rock preserves maximum water?
Q33. What is Abrasion in Geology?
Wearing away of parts of the Earth's surface by the rubbing action of the wind, water, ice and the movement of the debris.
Q34. What is Accretion?
The gradual building up of water borne material such as mud and sand in an area that is regularly flooded.
Q35. What is Attrition?
The constant wearing dwon of pieces of rock into even finer particles as they are carried along by wind, water and ice.
Q36. Geologically, what is Altitude often referred to?
Height or elevation of a place, normally measured and mentioned as "Above Sea Level".
Q37. From which place's sea level, the altitude above sea level is decided?
LIVERPOOL, UK - As the sea level undergoes changes with the tides, a standard sea level at Liverpool UK has been fixed as the "Mean Sea Level". The is the zero line from which the height of a place, in the world is decided.
Q38. What is Artesian Basin?
When a basin shaped layer of porous rock on the Earth's crust is trapped between layers of non-porous rock, water accumulates in the porous rock forming an Artesian Basin.
Q39. What is Artesian Well?
It is made by boring down to saturated layers of rock in an Artesian Basin.
Q40. What is Astheosphere?
Soft semifluid layers of rock on which earth's continents and ocean floor float.
Q41. What is Aureole?
A zone around an igneous rock intrusion which has been altered by the heat and chemicals, generated during the interaction/intrusion of the magna (hotmolten rock).
Q42. What is a Fault?
A planer rock fracture which shows evidence of movement.
Q43. What is Hoodoos in Geology?
A tall thin spires of rock that protrude from the bottom of arid basins and bad lands.
Q44. What is Quicksand?
A thick of mass of wet, loose and unstable sand formed at the mouth of a river on the sea coast.
Q45. What is Land Slide?
Sudden downhill movement of masses of rock and soil, caused by vibration ofearthquake or wearing away of loose rocks and soil due to heavy rain.
Q46. The continents and ocean floor float on?
Q47. Alluvial Soil lacks?
Nitrogenous content.
Q48. What is Monolith?
A single massive stone or rock, or a single piece of rock placed as or within a monument.