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Dynasty is a succession of rulers who belong to the same family. This identity is often referred to with the prefix of " House", viz: " House of Habsburgs"(Germany), " House of Saxeboburg" (UK) etc., in the Europe. Some of these houses can be found ruling in different countries at different periods due to various reasons.
Dynasties which ruled different parts of the world are detailed. As years passed by, many of them disintegrated into the independent separate countries for socio political reasons. However, a few countries are still under dynastic rule only on an ornamental basis. Details of the dynasties are listed country wise alphabetically.


DURRANI DYNASTY: 1747 to 1823 and 1839 to 1842.

BARAKZAI DYNASTY: 1818 to 1839, 1842 to 1929 and 1929 to 1973. This dynasty was founded by Dost Md.Khan in 1818. They belonged to the Peshtun clan/tribe. Muhammad Zahir Shah was the last dynastic ruler.


1. Orontid dynasty.
2. Arthaxiad dynasty - 189 BC to 12 AD;
3. Arsacid dynasty
4. Bagratuni Dynasty - 885 to 1045 AD;
5. Rubenid dynasty - 1080 to 1225 AD


BRAGANZA DYNASTY: Also called the "House of Braganza" - ruled Brazil from 1822 to 1889 during which period they had only two kings Viz. Pedro I and II. The Braganzas actually belong to Portugal between 1640 to 1910.


This empire was also known as "Eastern Roman Empire" as it controlled Eastern Europe. They were the Greek speaking Roman empire of the middle ages. Among these there were different dynastic rulers :
1. Constantinian Dynasty - 303 - 336;
2. Valentinian Dynasty - 364
3. Leonid Dynasty - 457 - 518;
4. Justinian Dynasty - 518 - 602;
5. Heraclian Dynasty - 602-695 and 705 - 711;
6. Isaurian Dynasty - 717 - 802;
7. Phocid Dynasty - 802 - 813;
8. Phrygian Dynasty - 820 - 867.
9.Macedonian Dynasty - 867 - 1056;
10.Comnenid Dynasty - 1057 - 1059 and 1081 to 1185;
11. Doukid Dynasty - 1059 to 1081;
12.Angleid dynasty - 1185 to 1204;
13. Laskarid Dynasty - 1204 - 1261
14.Palaeologid Dynasty - 1261 - 1453.
In 1453, the Byzantine empire fell to the Turkish Ottoman Empire, with the fall of Constantinople (todays Istanbul).


This region is one of the oldest dynastically ruled region with each dynasty having a fairly long tenures of rule. Various dynasties have ruled this region until 1912 AD.
1. Xia Dynasty - 2070 to 1600 BCE;
2. Shang Dynasty - 1600 to 1046 BCE;
3. Zhou Dynasty - 1122 to 256 BCE;
4. Qin Dynasty - 221 BC to 220 AD
5. Jin Dynasty - 265 to 420 AD;
6. South & North dynasty - 420 to 589AD
7. Sui Dynasty - 581 to 618 AD;
8. Tang Dynasty - 618 to 907 AD;
9. Song Dynasty - 960 to 1279 AD;
10.Yuan Dynasty - 1271 to 1368 AD;
11.Ming Dynasty - 1368 to 1644 AD
12. Qing Dynasty - 1644 to 1911 AD.
The dynastic rule in China ended here in 1911 AD with the founding of the Republic of China by KUOMINTANG a political outfit.


1. Trpimirovil Dynasty - 845 to 1091 AD;
2. House of Savoys - 1941 to 1943 AD.The House of Savoys is a dynasty of nobles who traditionally had their domain in Kingdom of Piedmont Sardinia, a state which in 1861 became the kingdom of Italy, which ruled until 1946.


1. House of Olaf - 9th Century to 917 AD;
2. House of Harthaenut - 917 to 1047 AD;
3. House of Pomerania - 1412 to 1439 AD;
4. House of Wittelsbach -1439 to 1448 AD;
5. House of Oldenburg - 1448 to 1863 AD;
6. House of Scheleswig Holsten Sonderburg Glucksburg - this dynasty is ruling Denmark since 1863 and the present Queen Margarethe II belong to this dynasty.


SOLOMONIC dynasty ruled this land from the mid 13th century to the mid 20th century, that is upto 1974, when a revolution overthrew this dynastic rule.


1. Cerdicing Dynasty - 829 to 1016 and 1042 to 1066 AD;
2. House of Harthaenut - 1013-1014 and 1016 to 1042 AD;
3. Norman Dynasty - 1066 to 1135 AD;
4. House of Blois - 1135 to 1154 AD;
5. Plantagenet Dynasty - 1154 to 1485 AD;
6. House of Tudor - 1485 to 1603 AD;
7. House of Stuart - 1603 to 1714 AD;
8. House of Hanover - 1714 to 1901 AD;
9. House of Saxecoburg Gotha - 1901 to date.
The name of the House has been changed to House of Windsor in 1917 and continues to be called so. Queen Elizabeth II belong to this dynasty. After Queen Elizabeth II, the next dynasty will be called as "Mountbatten Windsor ". Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952. She is the constitutional head for the following countries called the "Commonwealth of Realm". She is represented by a Governor General in all these countries, however, each of them politically independent. They are: Australia, Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Nevis, Papua New Guinea, St.Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.


1. Pharnabazid Dynasty - 299 to 90 BC and 30 BC to 189 AD;
2. Artaxiad Dynasty - 90 BC to 30 BC;
3. Arsacid Dynasty - 189 to 284 AD;
4. Chosroid Dynasty - 284 to 580 AD and 627 to 684 AD;
5. Guarmid Dynasty - 588 to 627 AD, 684 to 748 and 779 to 786 AD;
6. Nersianid Dynasty - 748 to 779 AD;
7. Bagratid Dynasty - 813 to 1810 AD.


1. Carolingian Dynasty - 843 to 987 AD;
2. Capetian Dynasty - 987 to 1792 and 1814 to 1848 AD; (within this dynasty there were number of "Houses")
3. Bonaparte Dynasty - 1804 to 1814 and 1852 to 1870.


1. Carlongian Dynasty - 843 to 911 AD;
2. Conradine Dynasty - 911 to 918 AD;
3. Saxon Dynasty - 919 to 1024 AD;
4. Salian/Franconian Dynasty - 1024 to 1125 AD;
5. Supplinburger Dynasty - 1125 to 1137 AD;
6. Hohenstanten Dynasty - 1137 to 1254 AD;
7. Habsburg Dynasty - 1273 to 1291 AD;
8. House of Nassau - 1292 to 1298 AD;
9. Habsburg Dynasty - 1298 to 1308 AD;
10. House of Luxembourg - 1308 to 1313 AD;
11. House of Wittelsbach - 1314 to 1347 AD;
12. House of Luxembourg - 1347 to 1400 AD;
13. House of Wittelsbach - 1400 to 1410 AD;
14. House of Luxembourg - 1410 to 1437 AD;
15. Habsburg Dynasty - 1438 to 1740 AD;
16. House of Wittelsbach - 1742 to 1745 AD;
17. House of Habsburg - Lorraine - 1745 to 1806 AD;
18. Hohenzollen Dynasty - 1871 to 1918 AD.


1. Dessalines Dynasty - 1804 to 1806 AD;
2. Christophe Dynasty - 1811 to 1820 AD;
3. Soulouque Dynasty - 1849 to 1859 AD;


1. Kamahameha Dynasty - 1810 to 1872 AD;
2. Kalekana Dynasty - 1874 to 1893 AD.


1. Arpad Dynasty - 895 to 1301 AD;
2. Premyslid Dynasty - 1301 to 1305 AD;
3. House of Wittelsbach (Germany) - 1305 to 1308 AD;
4. Capetian Dynasty (France) - 1308 to 1395 AD;
5. House of Luxembourg ( Germany) - 1387 to 1437 AD;
6. Habsburg Dynasty ( Germany ) - 1437 to 1457 AD;
7. Jageollian Dynasty - 1440 to 1526 AD;
8. Habsburg Dynasty - 1526 to 1564 AD;
9. Zapolya Dynasty - 1526 to 1571 AD;
10.Habsburg Dynasty - 1563 to 1918 AD.


House of Savoys – 1003 to 1946. They are a dynasty of nobles who traditionally had their domain in Kingdom of Piedmont Sardinia, a state which in 1861 became the Kingdom of Italy, which ruled until 1946 ( end of WWII) when popular people referendum ended this dynastic rule.


Beginning with the founder king Jimmu in 660 BC, the dynasty continues even today, with the emperor Akihito. It is considered to be the oldest continuous dynastic ruling monarchy in the world.


1. Silla Dynasty - 57 BCE to 935 AD;
2. Goryeo Dynasty - 935 to 1392 AD;
3. Joseon Dynasty - 1392 to 1910 AD., -- this dynasty's rule was physically over by 1895 AD and its complete decline was over by 1910 AD when Japan annexed it.


1. Idrisid Dynasty - 780 to 974 AD;
2. Maghrawa Dynasty - 987 to 1070 AD;
3. Almoravid Dynasty - 1073 to 1147 AD;
4. Almohad Dynasty - 1147 to 1269 AD;
5. Marinid Dynasty - 1258 to 1420 AD;
6. Wattasid Dynasty - 1420 to 1547 AD;
7. Saadi Dynasti - 1554 to 1659 AD;
8. Alaouite Dynasty - 1666 to date. The present King Mohammed VI who ascended the throne in 1999 and is the 18th Alaouite King ruling the country.


1. House of Theemuge - 1117 to 1388 AD;
2. Hilaloe Dynasty - 1388 AD to 1558 AD;
3. Utheemu Dynasty - 1573 to 1692 AD;
4. Isdhoo Dynasty - 1701 to 1774 AD;
5. Dhiyamigili Dynasty - 1704 to 1757 AD;
6. Huraa Dynasty - 1757 to 1766 AD;
7. Dhiyamgili Dynasty - 1766 to 1773 AD;
8. Huraa Dynasty - 1773 to 1968 - the last of the dynastic ruler King Muhammad Fareed Didi was deposed in a referendum on 15.11.1967 and thus Maldives became a republic on 15.3.1968.


WHITE RAJA DYNASTY: A part of "Sarawak" kingdom. The dynasty was created when Sarawak which was part of the realm of Brunei and the area was donated to James Brooke in 1841 by the Sultan of Brunei. Thus the beginning of this dynasty which ended in 1946, with only three rulers, viz: James, Charles and Vyner.


1. Vojislavljevic Dynasty - 7th century to 1186;
2. Nemanjic Dynasty - 1186 to 1355;
3. Balsic Dynasty - 1356 to 1435;
4. Crnojevic Dynasty - 1436 to 1516;
5. Petrovilnjegos Dynasty - 1696 to 1918;
6. Karodordevic Dynasty - 1918 to 1941.


1. Fair Hair dynasty - 890 to 1319 AD;
2. House of Schleswig Holstein Sonderbur Glucksburg dynasty - 1905 to present. Denmark and Norway monarchs belong to the same dynasty.


TE WHEROWHERO DYNASTY : From 1856 to date. Belong to the Maori Tribe.Purely ceremonial.


1. House of Burgundy - 1093 to 1383 AD;
2. House of Aviz - 1385 to 1580 AD;
3. House of Hapsburg - 1580 - 1640 AD;
4. House of Braganza - 1640 to 1910 AD.


1. Piast Dynasty - 9th Century to 1296 and 1306 to 1370;
2. Premyslid Dynasty (Hungary) 1296 to 1306;
3. Capetian Dynasty (House of Anjou) (France) - 1370 to 1399;
4. Jageollian Dynasty (Hungary) 1386 to 1572 and 1575 to 1586;
5. Valois Dynasty - 1573-1574;
6. House of Bathory - 1576 to 1586;
7. House of Vasa - 1587 to 1668;
8. House of Wisniowiecki - 1669 to 1673;
9. House of Sobieski - 1674 to 1696;
10. Wettin Dynasty - 1697 to 1706, 1709 to 1733 and 1736 to 1764;
11. House of Leszcylski - 1704 to 1709 and 1733 to 1736;
12. House of Poniatowski - 1764 to 1795.


Prior to the formation of the Empire, it was the ancient Roman civilization. The Empire was formed in 27 BC and lasted upto mid 3rd century AD, when it broke into western and eastern Roman empires. Of this, the western declined and collapsed around 5th century, while the Eastern also called the "Byzantine" lasted until the 15th century, when it fell to the Turkish Ottomans in 1458.
Following are the dynasties which ruled the single identity of Roman Empire.
1. Julio Claudian Dynasty - 27 BC to 68 AD;
2. Flavian Dynasty - 69 to 96 AD;
3. Nervan Antonian Dynasty - 96 to 192 AD;
4. Severan Dynasty - 193 to 235 AD.


House of Hohenzollen Sigmaringen - 1866 to 1947.


1. House of Rurikovich - 862 to 1598 AD and 1606 to 1610 AD;
2. House of Romanov - 1613 to 1762 AD;
3. House of Holstein - Gottorp - Romanov - 1762 to 1917 AD.
The last dynasty is also called as "Romanov", "House of Oldenburg" and "Tsars" of Russia, which fell by the "October" or "Russian" Revolution in 1917.


SAUD Dynasty: If we consider the creation of modern day Saudi Arabia, then the dynasty begins in 1932 with the Kingdom's founder Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. However, its lineage goes back to some centuries. Its current ruler of the Saud dynasty is King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz.


1. House of Hapsburg - 1516 to 1700 AD;
2. House of Bourbon - 1700 to 1868 and 1874 to 1931;
3. House of Bonaparte (France) - 1808 to 1813;
4. House of Savoy (Italy) - 1871 to 1873;
5. House of Bourbon - 1975 to date.
The present King Juan Carlos I belong to this dynasty.


1. House of Alpin - 843 to 1034 AD;
2. House of Dunkeld - 1034 to 1040 and 1058 to 1286;
3. House of Baliol - 1292 to 1296;
4. House of Bruce - 1306 to 1371;
5. House of Stuart - 1371 to 1707 .
Until 1.5.1707, it was a separate kingdom. On this date, it was merged with Kingdom of England under the " Acts of Union " to become part of the "Kingdom of the Great Britain ".


1. House of Uppsala - 970 to 1060 AD;
2. House of Stenkil - 1060 to 1130 AD;
3. House of Sverker - 1130 to 1222 AD;
4. House of Eric - 1156 to 1220 AD;
5. House of Bjallbo - 1248 to 1387 AD;
6. House of Vasa - 1521 to 1654 AD;
7. House of Wittelsbach - 1654 to 1720 AD;
8. House of Hesse - 1720 to 1751 AD;
9. House of Hollstein Gottorp - 1751 to 1818.
10. House of Hernadotte - 1818 to date.
The present king Carl XVI Gustaf belong to this dynasty.


1. Tu'i Tonga Dynasty - 990 to 1865;
2. Tupou Dynasty - 1875 to present.
It is an archipelago kingdom on the South Pacific Ocean. The present king George Tupou V belong to this dynasty.


This country has been under dynastic rule since 663 AD with about ten different dynasties ruling this country. The present CHAKRI DYNASTY began in 1782. The rulers of this dynasty are called by the title of "RAMA" and the RAMA I began with King Buddha Yodfa Chulalok the Great. The present monarch BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ is RAMA IX, in power from 1946 to date. He is considered to be the longest ruling monarch.


1. Seljuq dynasty - 1077 to 1307.
2. Ottoman dynasty - 1281 to 1922 -- Osman I was the founder of this dynasty in 1281 and the last ruler of this dynasty, before the dissolution, was Mehmed VI.