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Q1. What does Solstice mean?
Literally means "Sun Standstill" (in Latin). Otherwise, it is the time of the year, when the difference between the length of days and length of nights are the largest.
Q2. How many times the Solstice occur in a year?
Occurs twice a year, whenever earth's axis tilts the most towards or away from the Sun, causing the Sun to be farthest north or south, at noon.
Q3. What are the types of Solstices?

Two 1. Summer    and    2. Winter.

Q4. On or around which date the summer solstice occurs?

June 21. The North Pole tilts towards the Sun, on or around this date, and the Sun shines directly over the Tropic of Cancer.

Q5. On or around which date the winter Solstice occurs?
December 22. The Earth is at the opposite end of its orbit. The South Pole tilts towards the Sun and the North Pole away from it.
Q6. What are the effects of Solstices in the Northern Hemisphere?
1. Days are longest and nights are shortest during Summer Solstice. 2. Days are shortest and nights are longest during winter solstices.
Q7. What are the effects of Solstices in the Southern Hemisphere?
1. Days are shortest and nights are longest during Summer Solstice. 2. Days are longest and nights are shortest during winter solstice.
Q8. What are Equinoxes?
Are dates when the nights and days are equal and the Sun is directly above the Equator.
Q9. When does the Vernal Equinox occur?
March 21 (Vernal = Spring).
Q10. When does the Autumnal Equinox occur?
September 23.
Q11. Which month has longer days and shorter nights in India?
Q12. Which month has shorter days and longer nights in India?
Q13. Which is the longest day in Northern Hemisphere?
June 22.
Q14. Which is the longest day in Southern Hemisphere?
December 22.
Q15. Which is the shortest day in Northern Hemisphere?
December 21.
Q16. Which is the shortest day in Southern Hemisphere?
June 21.