Unfortunately, Mr. M. Subramanian, who maintained this website lost his battle to cancer and passed away in July, 2019. The database has over 50,000 questions. If you are interested in purchasing the website/database, please reach out using the form here. Learn TNPSC exam and online pratice
Q1. The sex of a child is determined by the
Q2. An organism that breeds true for a particular character producing identical gametes is called
Q3. Chromosomes not related to sex-inheritance are called
Q4. The cell undergoing a reduction division is called
Q5. The number of chromosomes in a normal human body cell is
Q6. In human beings, sex is determined by the sex chromosomes X and Y. What would, then, be the genetic constitution of a normal woman?
Q7. What is the chromosome number in a human ovum?
Q8. Sons of a colour blind woman always colour­blind but not the daughters. This implies that:
Q9. The universal recipient blood group is
Q10. In which one of the following is sex determined by environment?
Q11. Hemophilia, a human disease, is caused by
Q12. A colour-blind man is married to a normal-visioned woman whose parents also had normal vision. What proportion of their children is likely to be colour-blind?
Q13. Sickle-cell anaemia, is caused by
Q14. A person with which one of the following blood group is considered a universal donor?
Q15. A person with blood group AB is sometimes called a universal recipient because of
Q16. Phenylketonuria is a human disease. A person af­fected by the disease suffers from
Q17. A child was found to be perfectly normal at birth. A few years later, however, his parents noticed that his activities were sluggish. He was, therefore, taken to a clinic where the doctor diagnosed him mentally retarded. What do you think he was suffering from?
Q18. Which of the following fungi has been extensively used for genetical studies?
Q19. The fungus, Puccinia graminis, causes a serious plant disease. Which of the following crops is affected by it?
Q20. Lathyrism, a human disease causing paralysis of the lower limbs, is caused by
Q21. Quinine, the drug for malaria, is obtained from a plant. What part of the plant yields the drug?
Q22. Which of the following is a substance abundantly available in the sea and administered in a certain deficiency disease?
Q23. A preparation of living or killed micro-organisms or viruses used in the prevention of diseases through immunization is called
Q24. The body loses a huge amount of water when a person suffers from severe diarrhoea. This acute water loss can be made good by
Q25. Triple vaccine is administered to a new born child to immunize it against
Q26. Following replacement of breast feeding by less nutritive food, low in proteins and calories, infants below the age of one year suffer from
Q27. Where polished rice is the main cereal in their diet, people suffer from
Q28. Children, who receive very little sunshine suffer from
Q29. People who consume maize as the main cereal in their diet are prone to
Q30. Fat persons are less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy. because
Q31. The deficiency of vitamin A causes
Q32. Ringworm is a disease caused by the
Q33. The disease that is caused by viral infection is
Q34. Jaundice results from the malfunctioning of the
Q35. The medicine for typhoid is
Q36. An increase in the number of leucocytes to 500,000/ cu. mm. and above indicates
Q37. Trypansomes are transmitted from animal to animal or man by the
Q38. Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks causes damage to the
Q39. Syphilis is caused by
Q40. Elephantiasis, i.e., enormous enlargement of certain parts as that of leg, scrotum, penis and breast, etc. is caused by
Q41. Which of the following worms enters the intestine through the skin?
Q42. What is responsible for diphtheria and influenza?
Q43. The first surgical transplant of the human heart was performed by
Q44. The disease in which high levels of uric acid in the blood are characteristic of
Q45. Caner is 'a deadly disease because it has the ugly potentials of
Q46. Foot and mouth disease occurs in
Q47. The polio virus enters the body through
Q48. In the event of a snake bite, a piece of cloth is tied tightly around the wound to
Q49. Some fungi have been found to cause diseases in man. Which of the following do you think is one such?
Q50. A western country that was struck by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) causing a few deaths is